
Know your Type ansmd solve the problem

 You need to be aware of what you lack. You also need to go for what you lack.  #atalkwithify #Simpleifyy #mio #lifecoahing #mentoring #alphaliving  

Blocker 4: Lack of Knowledge and Skills

 To be great and to be able to achieve your goals, get the needed skills.  #skills #Knowledge #atalkwithify #mio #alphaliving #ATWI #thechristianenterpreneur #lifecoahing #goals #Simpleifyy 

Blocker 3: low self Esteem

 You are great,  you can create,  you can achieve,  you can conquer,   Like my mother always say, does that are wining don't have 2 heads.  #Self-esteem #atalkwithify #mio #thechristianenterpreneur #Simpleifyy #alphaliving

Blocker 2: for achieving your goals.

When we hold on to beliefs that are not  facts or have no evidence, it's time to start changing them. #removingblockers #atalkwithify #mio #Simpleifyy #lifecoaching #Mentoring

Blocker 1: Fear

 Now you have it. The four Blockers that stand in your way to achieving your goals by Lady Theresa.  The first one is FEAR  #atalkwithify #embracefear #takeaction #Simpleifyy #alphaliving #lifecoaching #mentoring #Dortmund #Freiburg #Lagos #Nigeria #Canada

Workplace: Appreciation

 Appreciation goes a long way in improving one's performance and guess what, it does not cost a thing.  #appreciation #workplaceattitude #atalkwithify #mio #alphaliving #Simpleifyy #lifementor #lifecoahing