
Es werden Posts vom Mai, 2020 angezeigt.

Leadership Series 6

Leaders lead, or are supposed to lead. If a leader has no sight or even insight, then his followers are destined to no where.  A good leader has a goal, the goal is allowed to be constantly moderated or updated, but a goal he has. His plan then is, to place the people and the available resources into his empty Drawing board until the picture he is drawing becomes the picture he has in his head. Ify

Leadership Series 5

When you shy away from taking up responsibility, you miss out at the chance of being a better you, a better leader.  When given an assignment, even when difficult, embrace and research a way to get it done.  Or, when you see something can be done in a better way, never shy away. Take it up, and watch you grow.  Ify

Leadership Series 4

Good leaders never work alone. Its always all about the team and no one is alone, no one gets down because someone else is there to continue or assist.  Encouragement and motivation is the order of the day.  Ify

Leadership Series 3

Leaders are not all knowing, but good leaders make the best use of the people power in their team. He gives space for all to contribute and grow together.  Ify

Leadership Series 2

Good leaders never give the impression that they are perfect.  As a leader, you are not perfect, so don't fake perfection.  Just own up your mistakes and flaws, work over or on them and then boost your strength.  Ify


Communication they say is a two way thing . Yes very true, but may I add that when two are speaking to themselves but using terminologies, impressions, ideas, conclusions, histories or languages that the other person does not understand or even accept, Communication fails.  It's not always easy but let's learn to speak in the language the other person can understand and with language I don't mean that of a given tribe or culture but that of understanding.  Ify #atalkwithify #mio #quotes #words #Communication #relationship #understanding

Leadership Series 1

Leadership Series  Leaders are found everywhere,  in the homes, schools, workplaces,  churches, clubs or even among friends.  Some attain the position to lead through age, years of service,  gender or achievement.  But the attributes and characters of a leader might be failing.  So, if we find ourselves in that position to lead, let's equip ourselves to lead well. Ify  Bildunterschrift hinzufügen


Who is a mother, a mother is someone that cares and looks out for the good of others. She has children not only biological but also spiritual,  by adoption, by mentoring or even spiritual. A mother nurtures and growth takes place. Ify

Making Mistakes Series 14

Many people believe things about us that are far from the truth,  It can be that we mislead them unconsciously or they misread us. But these mistakes about us make have wrong conclusions. We too careful about the mistakes we make over others. Someone people think I am so "Holy " and some others think I am a "pretender". These are great mistakes,  I am not Holy,  I try to be pleasing  to God, but oh, how many times I failed. To pretend is not in my blood.but I try to fit it in many situations.  Let's ask our loved ones how we come through to others. We will be surprised. Ify

Making Mistakes Series 13

Erasers in our lives can be our parents, spouses, kids, friends, bosses,  colleagues or pastors among others. Let's give them the chance to correct our correctable mistakes. Ify

Making Mistakes Series 12

When we prepare where we can, then we can better overcome unexpected surprises and avoid certain mistakes. IFY

Making Mistakes Series 11

We all have taken decisions and done things that we believe were right.  Sometimes at the end, it didn't come out the way we expected, that doesn't make it a mistake. A divorced woman was once asked, did you make the mistake of marrying your ex- husband,  she said "no, my marriage was not a mistake, it just didn't work out" Ify.