
Es werden Posts vom Juni, 2020 angezeigt.


We all are in one position or the order.  Especially those occupying leadership positions.  Our aim should not be that no one will be able to achieve what we are achieving. Our aim should be to raise up  leaders who will be able to achieve greater heights and take up our position,  that way we move up.  Our aim should be to be the best that we can and leave a mark doing it.  Ify 

Driving Force 7

We all have desires, wishes and dreams.  But when we let them stay at that, they remain just that desires, wishes and dreams.  But when we add a little driving force here and there,  now and then, we move gradually towards our goals.  So, imagine if and when we put more power into our driving force,  all those desires , wishes and dreams starts becoming a reality.   Ify. 

Driving Force 6

If you grew up in Africa, Nigeria to be specific,  you would have heard this saying.  "She/he doesn't have two heads ". When I was younger and I come home with my result and on the results I didn't have the first position, my parents will say that the person that got the first position didn't have two heads that means that I could also achieve it. Sometimes our goals are way bigger than us, but let our driving force be that, if others have done it, achieved it  reached there,  we can also.  They don't have two heads.  Ify #atalkwithify #mio #quotes #drivingforce #icandoit 

Driving Force 5

We all go through times when we feel that we have come to the end. We feel that there is no other option, we feel that we have exhausted all our resources in wanting to achieve something.   But do you realize what breakthrough means. It means you got somewhere and you could not continue due to inward or outward factors, and all of a sudden, a green light pops up and you can move again. The journey to greatness of many of the great people that we hear of, began at their breaking points.  Use yours well.  Ify.

Driving Force 4

Driving Force 4 We all have missions and visions that we embark on. Be it to lose weight,  gain weight, start sport, start reading or learning, start a new business or carrier.  In the process we encounter some failures, and when this occurs, instead of giving up, let it be your driving force to do better.  And if you are succeeding,  let that also be your driving force to succeed more.  Don't let anything slow you down. Ify #atalkwithify #mio #quotes #drivingforce #eyesonthegoal #success #failureispartofsuccess

Driving Force 3

When you think that you have another choice,  you don't push hard enough,  you don't reach your limit, it is at your breaking point that you breakthrough.  So, pull through,  you will be surprised that you can. Ify

Regret Series 1

Regret is a feeling of sadness or disappointment and it comes when we miss an opportunity, when we make a bad choice or another choice, when we did something or didn't do something.   And it is also  a way of saying,  I am sorry. If we ask around,  there are many people, if not everyone that has regretted one thing or the other. Even a 10 year old child. The less regrets we have, the better our lives are. Tread carefully. Ify

Driving Force 2

When your eyes are on your goals,  you have the right driving force.  Our paths 00are different. Some of us would have a straight path, others a long pat, while some others a tough and rough path. But what makes you not to give up is what you are looking at. If your eyes are always on the paths then many times our motivation will be low. But when are eyes are on the end result, on our goal or dream, then all we want to do is achieve it. What are you looking at and what are you seeing? Ify

Driving Force 1

It's true we need money to achieve a lot of things, but  when we make it our driving force,  we tend to be mean and cruel and do things at all cost.  Your dream, passion, goals and purpose are a stronger and purer force that removes all negativity, instill softness and tends towards people.   #atalkwithify #mio #quotes #words #drivingforce #purpose #goals #passion 


A wish is a feeling that expresses a strong desire or hope for something, sitting down and only wishing does not bring us closer to our dreams. We need to get up and reach out, you might fail, fall or be embarrassed but you wishing only isn't enough.  In the process of change, there are things within your power and there are things that you cannot do anything about and even the ones you can, a little prayer takes it a long way. Ify

Leadership Series 8

Many times as leaders all we do is send people around. Do this, do that. As much as it is in our position to do so, the place of a true leader is in the place of service.  Robert Greenleaf first coined the phrase "the servant as a leader" or the Servant leader as popularly known today.  A good leader focuses on the needs of others especially that of his team member. And this should be a way of life for every true leader.  Ify.

Leadership Series 7

Before a leader can be a step ahead, at least most of the time, it takes hard work, it takes alot of sacrifice, it takes information gathering and it takes being constantly updated.   There is no time for slacking. A leader has only one main goal and  that is to take his team to teach that goal.  Ify

Body controll

Many times we know that we must do this and that, but our bodies just want to lazy around.  Not that we are tired, just that we lack the discipline sometimes. But to succeed we need to win this battle over.our body, at least most times.  Ify