
Es werden Posts vom September, 2020 angezeigt.

Thinking Series 3

 Many years back, a popular Nigerian actor used this phrase alot in his lines: "If you worry you will die, if you don't worry you will die, why worry then". Worry gets you and I no where. Worry is a state that our unconscious mind puts us into, as a reaction to a particular situation and it solves nothing.  Instead of worrying, think for a change.  Ify.

In Life, Life happens

Disappointments, betrayals,  surprises,  shocks, failures, misjudgments etc. These "negative " occurrences make us to want to go and hide or take a time out.  While that is good and has it's great advantages, it should not end there.  When you do nothing, life does not stand still waiting till you are ready again. Time never stops.  So, I encourage you, there is an inbuilt "fighter mechanism"  in each of us but you and I need to know exactly when to bring it out and apply it well. Go to where you can recieve the needed oxygen,  breath and live. Ify. #atalkwithify #mio #quotes #lifehappens #life #breathe #ican #fighter #encouragement #timeneverstops

Thinking Series 2

 Thinking Series 2 Throughout  history we read how inventors and laymen came up with great and useful ideas and creation after encountering  challenges and problems in their environment.   But, it takes reflection (a form a thinking) on the challenge and time of quietness, I call it creative quietness to come up with the results they had. Let's learn to consciously and intentionally take out time to think reflectively and creatively.  Ify.

Thinking Series 1

 Have you said or heard somebody say, "stop thinking too much"? Somehow, thinking is seen as a negative thing by many and this is wrong. We substitute thinking for worrying and they are not the same, very different terms. Thinking is an act of considering and reasoning about something and it is done with the brain.  Though, there are different types and levels of thinking and we would be looking into them.  Ify. #atalkwithify #mio #quotes #thinking #thinkers #creating #creativity #planning

Be you.

 In life, there are many things people can do for you and there are many journey we can go in pairs or  even as a group.  But, still there are roads that is reserved only for you. Just you, even a company could be a distraction. On this road you get to know you better, you get to grow and glow.  Ify.