
Es werden Posts vom Oktober, 2020 angezeigt.

Nothing in itself is bad

In medicine, fever can be a sign that something is wrong and/or that the body is fighting. Fear, healthy fear makes you careful and helps you act wisely. Pain can help you get treatment against a more deadly or dangerous disease. These might seem like bad feelings at the first sight, but when we know where it is coming from and why, we can use it to our advantage.  CIP ( Congenital insensitivity to pain) patients are insensitive to pain, hence for them no pain means no indicator until the situation gets worst. At the end, nothing in itself is bad. Ify. #atalkwithify #mio #quotes #painheals #takeadvantage #NotAllIsBad #mindsetiseverything #Freiburg #discover

Thinking Series 5

Many times because of our culture, upbringing, peer group or even status,  we think and do things in a particular way even if it is not bringing us results.   Change can seem and feel so scaring and overwhelming. But, if we really want to do better, if we really want to see results, if we really want to live a better life than what we lived yesterday, then we should embrace change.  Ify #atalkwithify #mio #quotes #Freiburg #thinkingforachange #bebetter #change   

Thinking Series 4

Thiniking Series 3 Living an intentional life is what is missing in most of our lives.  Most times, we just go with the flow. While this is sometimes understandable,  it doesn't take you to your desired destination.  But when you choose to live everyday intentionally,  your thinking changes. You move consciously and deliberately towards your purpose and goals. Every step you take starts to matter and starts to be profitable.  Ify #atalkwithify #think #liveintentionally #purposedrivenlife #everystepcounts