
Es werden Posts vom Dezember, 2020 angezeigt.

Planing for tomorrow

 Immediate gain can be so sweet but we are all aware that it comes selten. What some of us are reaping today, good or bad is what we sowed a day, a month or years back.  We admire "successful people" and want to be like them but have we read about how they got there.  So, what do you want your tomorrow to look like? Start sowing the seeds today. Success starts with the process.  Sow seeds, work hard,  work smart, be patient but not stagnant and then add the gracefactor and what we see in our tomorrow we will get it when we get there.

Thinking Series

 To start a journey,  you need to know where you are going to. You might not know how, how long, with what, how many stops, with who etc.  But, what you must know is "your destination".  After this, you start to ask the right questions.  Ask the right people the right questions and you see yourself moving  closer to the right direction, to your destination.  Ify  #atalkwithify #mio #thinking #destination #onthemove 

Thinking Series

 To judge is something we all do easily,  this is because it is an automatic action. You see someone abuse another person, we judge the person to be bad. We see someone helping out, we judge the person to be good.  But, when take the time to truly look into it, you see the why, when  and how of the situation.  Let's activate our gray cells, as Hercule Poirot would put it. Ify. #atalkwithify #mio #thinkingforachange