
Es werden Posts vom Juni, 2021 angezeigt.


Be it in a family,  work, business, church, social or club life, Trust is a very important factor of GROWTH.📈📈📈 Trust simply means you been able to rely on someone, ALL the time.😁. To be able to  have confidence, faith and belief in them. As we know that is not always the case. And our level of Trust from one person to the other is at a different level.🤔🤫😏 I know if I ask this questions many people will answer yes. 😄😃 Has someone that you trusted betrayed the trust you had in them? So, how do we know who we can trust.  1. Our past experiences with the person  2. What others say about them 3. Their consistency  4. Do what they do fall in line with what they say? The truth is that, trust is needed for us to succeed, because when we trust, we work better in agreement and we compliment ourselves.  We don't need to give up on trusting people but we need to know what to watch out for when trusting others.👍👍✔✔ Ify #atalkwithify #simpleifyy #mio #trustissues #collaboration #erfo

You start it.

 Everything, from business,  family, finances etc rest on the decisions we make from the very start.  A good start they say is half the race won.  🏁🏁🏁 So, consciously and intentionally chose rightly.  A good and well planned foundation takes you very far.  Ify. #mio #atalkwithify #redefined #erfolgsteam #freiburg #decisionmaking #startitright

Ready to succeed

 Success is a pricess of learning and more learning. This is because,  when we stop learning,  we become stagnant and stagnation leads to failure. To learn one must not go back to school or it must not have anything to do with academics. It has everything to do with the state of our mind.  We should try to have a growth mindset. Our brain has an enormon capacity to assimilate.  Ify #atalkwithify #mio #redefined #RightMindset #learninglessons #freiburg

Be responsible

There are millions of things that you and I will never be able to control because it is out of our sphere or boundary.  On the other hand, the little that lies in that space that we are in, let's be responsible for it.  Some of the things you and I can control with God's help are : 1. Our thoughts  2. Our feelings 3. Our beliefs and values  4. Our dreams and aspirations  5. Our attitudes and behaviors  6. Our giftings and talents  7. Our choices.   Let's start by choosing to respond to situations instead of reacting to it.  (Easier said than done, right ✅, I know but practice they say makes perfect). Ify #atalkwithify #mio #simpleifyy #redefined #rightmindset #redefined #erfolgsteam #beresponsible #motivationalquotes #mondaymotivation

Step up your game.

 This week one of my leaders asked a question. She said why do we think wr are not where we want to be? I thought hard,  then I realised that my the goal that I set for myself was not a very high one, so the efforts that I was putting in was also not high because in my mind, I thought somehow I will get there.  This causes laziness. When we set our targets or goals high, to the extent that we know that to reach it is almost impossible,  it is only then that we also start to do the impossible to reach out.  So, let's step up our games. Ify #atalkwithify #mio #redefined #simpleifyy #goalsetting #freiburg