
Es werden Posts vom August, 2021 angezeigt.

No Place for fear

 I believe everyone one of us has something that we are afraid of.😱😨😨😟😟😱  We spend most of time thinking and dwelling on them. But the truth is that, when we do this, we only make ourselves apprehensive, tensed and unfulfilled. 😪😪 Instead, let's put our strength into what will bring us profit.💪💪💪💪 Let's jump and pass those fears ( most times, they are only a feeling) Job in the bible, although everything was working well for him, still he lived in fear. And what he feared happened to him. Ify #simpleifyy #atalkwithify #mio #redefined #noplaceforfear

Failure is a part of success

 Many times we believe that failure Is a sign of weakness,  miscalculation,  carelessness or even a dead end. But the truth is that only a very few people made it to success without any form of failure.  Failure is a feedback, setting us in the right direction.  It can make one stronger.  The greatest problem most times is how to get over failure.   So, let's not be afraid of failure, let's use it as a stepping-stone to our next success level. Ify #redefined #atalkwithify #mio #failureispartofsuccess #successmindset