
Es werden Posts vom Dezember, 2021 angezeigt.

Use your strengths

 Know your strengths and put them to use. Most of the great inventions today resulted as a result of trying to solve one problem or challenge. So, to win, look out for where you can put your strength to use. Look out for solutions you have that others need. Then you are setting yourself up to WIN. #simpleifyy #alphaliving #mio #problemsolving #atalkwithify

Problem Solving

 How you see a problem, goes a long way to determine your success with it.  For one person, climbing the stairs is a big problem (for many reasons, health problems, fear etc) while for another, climbing the stairs is a sort out challenge to a better way of life.  Take another look at that problem.😀😀 #atalkwithify #problemsolving #alphaliving #mio #Simpleifyy #thechristianentrepreneur

Believe it

 My daughter created this quote. She said, Mama, if one is really passionate about something, nothing should stop them from achieving it, not even their age.  This is so true. How many of us have given up on our dreams because we felt we have passed the age or that the time has passed. No, you can still achieve it, believe it. #believeit #alphaliving #youcan #atalkwithify #mio #Freiburg #Nigeria

Having Problems?

 Problems and challenges has  broken people and has also created great opportunities for be very creative. So, when we see Problems, it's time to put on your Hat of creativity. #alphaliving #mio #atalkwithify #problemsolving #Simpleifyy


 Overestimating one's self means that you are overrating your ability and capability.  It is not always easy to rate one's self rightly but it is very necessary. On the other side, never underestimate yourself,  know that you can. #beyou #mio #atalkwithify #alphaliving #Simpleifyy #Freiburg #Dortmund #Nigeria

You are your Responsibility

 Remember YOU are your responsibility. The way you see things, the way you accept things, the way you react or respond to things.  You should be aware of when what you can allow, for how long and why.  Never forget, you have one life, make try and make the right decisions.  #Simpleifyy #atalkwithify #redefined #mio #selfawareness

Life Lessons

 It is said that, life is one of the greatest teachers. So, When life is teaching us something, we all learn differently.  Some learn fast and some learn later in life, while others still never learn.  I am a kind of person that wakes up before my alarm rings ( I don't know why I set it anyway 😅, does that mean that I am above life leasons🤣🤣)  And that is a wonder.  But to be smart enough to understand the message life is teaching you before you take the exam, it's what is called grace.  #Simpleifyy #atalkwithify #mio #redefined #lifelessons #gracedlife

Own your Story

  Most times most people live in denial. We are humans and are bound to get things wrong sometimes.  But refusing to accept it, means you are accepting to live in denial.  Accept the mistakes, accept the failures,  accept the wrong turns.  But don't stay there. Learn from it and move on. #simpleifyy #atalkwithify #alphaliving #mio #redefined #selfawareness

Self Awareness

 The "ah ah" moments in life when you realise something about yourself and them come to the conclusion that ......... Those are life changing moments. And the more of that we have , the better we become. #simpleifyy #atalkwithify #alphaliving #redefined #mio #Freiburg #Dortmund #nigeria