
Es werden Posts vom 2022 angezeigt.

Facing fears


Know your Type ansmd solve the problem

 You need to be aware of what you lack. You also need to go for what you lack.  #atalkwithify #Simpleifyy #mio #lifecoahing #mentoring #alphaliving  

Blocker 4: Lack of Knowledge and Skills

 To be great and to be able to achieve your goals, get the needed skills.  #skills #Knowledge #atalkwithify #mio #alphaliving #ATWI #thechristianenterpreneur #lifecoahing #goals #Simpleifyy 

Blocker 3: low self Esteem

 You are great,  you can create,  you can achieve,  you can conquer,   Like my mother always say, does that are wining don't have 2 heads.  #Self-esteem #atalkwithify #mio #thechristianenterpreneur #Simpleifyy #alphaliving

Blocker 2: for achieving your goals.

When we hold on to beliefs that are not  facts or have no evidence, it's time to start changing them. #removingblockers #atalkwithify #mio #Simpleifyy #lifecoaching #Mentoring

Blocker 1: Fear

 Now you have it. The four Blockers that stand in your way to achieving your goals by Lady Theresa.  The first one is FEAR  #atalkwithify #embracefear #takeaction #Simpleifyy #alphaliving #lifecoaching #mentoring #Dortmund #Freiburg #Lagos #Nigeria #Canada

Workplace: Appreciation

 Appreciation goes a long way in improving one's performance and guess what, it does not cost a thing.  #appreciation #workplaceattitude #atalkwithify #mio #alphaliving #Simpleifyy #lifementor #lifecoahing

Worklace: Be great at what you do

 We should all aim to be great at what we do. 💪💪 #workplaceattitude #atalkwithify #mio #thechristianentrepreneur #simpleifyy #alphaliving #lifecoaching #mentoring

Workplace: The right attitude

 We all go through things in life. But it will be wrong to take it to work or to take on someone.  Let's learn to separate it, it's not easy but rewarding. #workplace #rightattitude #atalkwithify #Simpleifyy #muo #lifecoahing #mentoring

Workplace: Be the Best

 It's not about you been irreplaceable but about you been the BEST YOU , you can be. #atalkwithify #Simpleifyy #mio #hardwork #smartwotk #lifecoaching #mentori ng

Workplace: say no to procrastination

 People tend to push things aside, I will do it tomorrow,  it can wait, not now. Am not talking about just anything,  I am talking about things that can change your life for good. At the workplace,  don't just shift things that you can complete today to another day. Except for some sincere reasons, learn to start, learn to finish,  let to be on top of your game. #atalkwithify #mio #Simpleifyy #notoprocrastination #alphaliving #lifecoaching #mentoring

Workplaces; Be approachable

 How open are you, how do people feel around you? Don't get me wrong,  not everyone will like you no matter how good you are. But the way you deal with  others and the way you make them feel matters alot.  Life is cruel enough,  a little kindness, a few nice words and one or two hugs is worth a lot.  #streamsoflove #ATWI #atalkwithify #mio #Simpleifyy #alphaliving #lifecoahing #mentoring #thechristianentrepreneur

Workplace: Controlled Responses

 In the working place like any other place, we find ourselves in situations that test our limits. We might not have control over the actions towards us but we can "try" and control our responses.  This shows maturity and can earn you alot of respect.  Try 🥰 #atalkwithify #mio #alphaliving #workplace #controlledresponse #lifecoahing #mentoring 

Workplace: Productive

Been busy is different from been productive. Alot of workers act busy especially in front of their Bosses 🤣🤣. Raise your hands if you have not done it before. 🙈🙈😊😊 But the truth is, we should do to others what we want them to do to us. Work well. #productive #atalkwithify #workplace #mio #Simpleifyy #alphaliving #lifecoaching

Workpiece: Success

  Success selten comes by chance. So, at your workplace,  be intentional. Work hard but also work smart. Strength is not everything. Get the needed skills, this makes your Success faster. #success #atalkwithify #mio #alphaliving #lifecoaching #mentoring #Simpleifyy

Brand yourself

 At your work place, can people recognized your seat, your submitted work or your aura. This is your brand. ✍️✍️✍️ So, if you don't want to be associated with dirt, laziness,  incompetence,  then start branding yourself with smart, clean, orderly, open, friendly,  goal getter etc. Even if the work is not "your father's work" it still pays. #atalkwithify #branding #mio #alphaliving #Simpleifyy #lifecoahing #mentoring

Give your Best

Most people are doing jobs that are not really what they want to do but they have to do it because it puts food on the table.  Maybe the work you are presently doing is not  your passion, you don't really have fun doing it, agreed 👍  BUT, you are required as a worker to give your best. And most times, with time, you start to enjoy the work because you experience good results.   Just learn to give to our best to any and everything you do. #workplace #atalkwithify #mio#Simpleifyy #alphaliving #attitude #habits 

Balanced living: Know the difference

 You need a car but you might want a BMW or a Mercedes Benz.  You need  shoe, but you might want a Jordan.  When one is able to order these things, you are faster at achieving a balanced life.  #balancedliving #atalkwithify #Simpleifyy #alphaliving #lifequotes #lifecoaching #thechristianentrepreneur

Balanced living: be creative

 I love this quote. We all have been given the ability to create. Create what you can and stop leaving everything to chance.  #balancedliving #atalkwithify #alphaliving #mio #Simpleifyy #lifecoaching #mentoring

Balanced living: Be free

 [30.5., 14:08] Ifeoma Ogbonna: [30.5., 17:35] Ifeoma Ogbonna: We are all sometimes busy trying to prove a point to our Bosses,  wives, husbands,  parents, kids, old school mates, friends etc.  We need to put that energy to a better use. 😁 #befree #balancedliving #atalkwithify #alphaliving #Simpleifyy

Balanced Living: Generosity

 You don't need to be rich to be generous.  But you need to be generous to stay rich. #mindset #balancedliving #atalkwithify #Simpleifyy #lifecoaching #mentoring 

Live your own dream

We tend to want to live up to what others expect of us, which is not necessarily bad but if their expectations is not the same with what are goals are, we are put into a situation of imbalance. So, listen to parents, partners, teachers, etc but live your own dream. #liveyourowndream #atalkwithify #alphaliving #balancedliving #lifecoaching #mentoring

Balanced Living: Today Matters

 Today matters, today matters.  This tells me to live intentionally. If you want to have fun, have fun intentionally,  you want to work, do it intentionally.  Just don't let the day go by just like that. #todaymatters #JohnMaxwell  #mio #atalkwithify #balancedliving #alphaliving #lifecoaching #mentoring 

Balanced living: avoiding secrets

 Keeping secrets can weigh one down and get one off balance.   This is different from wanting to live a private life.  Try to live with little regrets and unnecessary secrets that you might be afraid will get out. Instead, speak about your failures or short comings yourself, that keeps you safe and in balance. #balancedliving #avoidsecrecy #Lifecoaching #mentoring #Simpleifyy #atalkwithify #alphaliving 

Balanced living:say no yo envy

 Many people go off balance because they are envious of others, even their friends or family members.   Doing this will take you far off balance.   When you love people, you tend to give them their space to glow. Even people that are not top on your love list, for one reason or the other, should also be given their space to glow.  When you give people space to glow, your space to glow becomes automatically bigger. #balancedliving #alphaliving #notoenvy #atalkwithify #ATWI #mio #Simpleifyy #lifecoaching #mentoring

Be pleasing

 Being nice and pleasing creates a great feeling, even though it might not always be reciprocated. That's why you do these things first for you and those around can chose to enjoy it with you or walk.  You can't please everyone.   It's all in the motive.  #bepleasant #ATWI  #atalkwithify #alphaliving #lifecoaching #mentoring #Simpleifyy 

Balanced life Series: Pressure

 We tend to put pressure on others, and this causes a  shifting of our weight on them.  This usually takes us off balance.  Of course,  we can encourage,  motivate or inspire people and this brings better results to both parties than when we use the button of pressure.  #Simpleifyy #balancedliving #atalkwithify #mio #alphaliving #lifecoaching #mentoring

Balanced life Series

 The best life to live is one of Balance. ⚖️⚖️  To get a Balance is never easy. Give a little here and there. Give much more here and there.  Take out and add back.  It's a roller-coaster game.🎯🎯. But if we can master this game of Balance,  we have alot to benefit from it. #balancedliving #balancedlife #atalkwithify #Simpleifyy #alphaliving #lifecoaching #mentoring

Courage 💪

 The power is in doing. Courage gives Strength  Overcome your fear and start doing. To be afraid is not a or "the" problem.   Do it afraid.  #courageous #atalkwithify #Simpleifyy #mio #ATWI #alphaliving #lifecoaching #mentoring #Dortmund #Lagos #Freiburg

Driving Force

 Each person has what "can " puss them to keep on going.  If you are yet to find yours, look for it, then be sure to place it in front of you. That way, you won't quit. Better still, you have a better chance of running steadily and faster. #drivingforce #atalkwithify #mio #Simpleifyy #alphaliving #Lifecoaching #mentoring #Freiburg #Lagos #Dortmund

Take a break

 It's allowed to be tired, especially when you have worked hard and  consistently.  Take a break, reset, restrategize and rise again. #itsallowed #atalkwithify #ATWI  #mio #Simpleifyy #alphaliving #Dortmund #Lagos #Freiburg

Grow well

 Your mind, soul and body are good grounds. Learn to feed them right.  Positivity, peace,  power, progress, abundance, joy, discipline, God's word etc are great things to feed them with.  Then sit back and see YOU flourish.  #growth #redefine #atalkwithify #mio #simpleifyy #alphaliving #lifecoaching #mentoring #Lagos #Dortmund #Freiburg

Do it

 Yes it's not always easy,  yes, it might sometimes be out of date but yes its still the right thing to do. Do it.  #doright #atalkwithify #alphaliving #mio #Simpleifyy #Dortmund #Lagos #Freiburg #mentoring #lifecoaching 

Stay consistent on your goals

 What you were doing, what you are doing and what you are planning to do, is it consistent with your goal and are you consistently doing it? Sometimes some things take time. Take note.  #atalkwithify #mio #goals #alphaliving #Simpleifyy #Dortmund #Freiburg #Lagos #lifequotes #coaching #mentoring

Don't be pressured

 Remember not choosing is a chose.  Stand your ground.  When something does not make sense don't do it, and don't always go for the next thing on line, go for what you need,  want or desire. #lifefacts #alphaliving #atalkwithify #Simpleifyy #mio #lifelessons #Dortmund #Freiburg #lagos 


 To have potential means to have the necessary abilities or qualities to become successful or useful in the future. And we all have this.  But we all need to develop them in order to achieve greatness.  #potential #atalkwithify #mio #Simpleifyy #alphaliving #lifecoaching #mentoring #Lagos #Dortmund #Freiburg 

Step out

 When you always feel, am not good enough,  every other person is better, it won't work out etc you are only hindering your progress.  Learn to step out, learn to try, learn to make a move. #stepout #trying #mio #atalkwithify #Simpleifyy #alphaliving #lifecoaching #mentoring #Dortmund #lagos #Freiburg 

Don't be a fool

Even if you are on the wrong train, you should not get out until it stops.  So what do we learn 📌📌📝📝📝 One mistake is not corrected by another mistake. #Simpleifyy #thechristianenterpreneur #atalkwithify #alphaliving #Dortmund #lifecoaching #mentoring #Freiburg #lagos


 It's a new month , a new chance to do new and better. Focus your energy on what brings you good. Convert your energy into blessings for you and all around you.  #Simpleifyy #focus #positivevibes #atalkwithify #mio #alphaliving #Lagos #Dortmund #Freiburg

Chose wisely

 It is very important to note the kind of people around you and their reactions to the different seasons of your life. Some may make the journey smother and easier, while others make them more unbearable.  But the question also is, do you make the situation of others easier for them to go through? #simpleifyy #atalkwithify #alphaliving #lifecoaching #Mentoring # Dortmund #Freiburg #Lagos

Dont fear failure, avoid it

 Many times we find ourselves failing or Falling over and over again. Like they say, the most important thing is that we get back up.  But we should also take note of the reasons for failure or Falling, in order to avoid future occurrences.  #overcomingfailures #lessrisk #Simpleifyy #atalkwithify #mio #alphaliving #Lifecoaching #mentoring 

Grow in Confidence

 When your confidence increases,  your positive mindset increases, so also your productivity.  Hence you experience Positive results.  #confidence #mindset #atalkwithify #mio #alphaliving #Simpleifyy #mentoring #lifecoaching

Life purpose

 We all have a God given call, passion or dream.  One of the greatest joy a person can recieve is the knowledge of what they are made for.  Find your passion and experience joy and fulfillment.  #passion #goals #lifecoach #mentor #atalkwithify #alphaliving #mio #Simpleifyy #Dortmund #Freiburg #Nigeria

Pass the lessons

 The victories and the failures of your pass are only lessons, pass them and move on to your future.  #atalkwithify #Simpleifyy #lessonslearned #mio #mentoring #lifecoach #positivevibes