
Es werden Posts vom April, 2022 angezeigt.

Chose wisely

 It is very important to note the kind of people around you and their reactions to the different seasons of your life. Some may make the journey smother and easier, while others make them more unbearable.  But the question also is, do you make the situation of others easier for them to go through? #simpleifyy #atalkwithify #alphaliving #lifecoaching #Mentoring # Dortmund #Freiburg #Lagos

Dont fear failure, avoid it

 Many times we find ourselves failing or Falling over and over again. Like they say, the most important thing is that we get back up.  But we should also take note of the reasons for failure or Falling, in order to avoid future occurrences.  #overcomingfailures #lessrisk #Simpleifyy #atalkwithify #mio #alphaliving #Lifecoaching #mentoring 

Grow in Confidence

 When your confidence increases,  your positive mindset increases, so also your productivity.  Hence you experience Positive results.  #confidence #mindset #atalkwithify #mio #alphaliving #Simpleifyy #mentoring #lifecoaching

Life purpose

 We all have a God given call, passion or dream.  One of the greatest joy a person can recieve is the knowledge of what they are made for.  Find your passion and experience joy and fulfillment.  #passion #goals #lifecoach #mentor #atalkwithify #alphaliving #mio #Simpleifyy #Dortmund #Freiburg #Nigeria

Pass the lessons

 The victories and the failures of your pass are only lessons, pass them and move on to your future.  #atalkwithify #Simpleifyy #lessonslearned #mio #mentoring #lifecoach #positivevibes

Create You

 To get where you want to get to, believe in yourself and learn to create the future you want to experience.  #youcan #atalkwithify #alphaliving #Simpleifyy #mio #lifecoaching #mentoring 

No to self doubt

 Self doubt is you telling yourself that you don't trust yourself despite the fact that you are qualified to do what you want to do.  Pick up the needed confidence and embrace your dream. #confidence #Simpleifyy #atalkwithify #alphaliving #mio 

Focus on the dream

 Many times we all have dreams, big dreams but the moment we look at our present situation,  we see only and all the impossibility.  But, you need to concentrate on the future, the dream.  What you need to do with the present situation is to work.. #dreambig #holding #itspossible #atalkwithify #alphaliving #mio #Simpleiffy 

Keep it short

 In the multitudes of words is where you find errors,  misunderstanding and lies.  Sometimes, a summary is what is needed. #Knowledge #powerofwords #Simpleifyy #atalkwithify #alphaliving #mio #lifecoaching #motivationinaction

The time factor

Time is a passing gift to each and everyone of us.⏳️⏳️⏳️⏳️ Most times we have the control on what we do with our time. We make out time for what is important to us and we set priorities consciously or unconsciously.  But it is better when we intentionally make out time for the things or people that matter to us. I am still growing on this .🥰🥰 #timemanagement #priorities #atalkwithify #alphaliving #mio #motivation #lifecoaching #Simpleifyy

Power in your mouth

Even the bible says, when a fool keeps his mouth shut, he will be taken for a wise man till he opens his mouth. Is this you🤔,? Or when you open your mouth grace comes out, compassion,  wisdom,  confidence,  knowledge flows through. If you don't have this, it can be trained 😉. #atalkwithify #mio #alphaliving #redefined #lifecoaching

Stop assuming

 Alot of people accept something as true without asking questions or any real proof. Be brave and ask. A foolish question is better than a foolish mistake.  Make excuses for people until proven otherwise.  #askquestions #lifecoaching #atalkwithify #alphaliving #mio #Lagos #Dortmund #Freiburg


 Courage is the ability and  willingness to deal with something that is dangerous, difficult, or unpleasant:  Someone can motivate you but you have to have courage.  #courage #understanding #mio #atalkwithify #alphaliving #lifecoaching #Dortmund #Freiburg #Lagos

It's a growth process

 Comparison when not we'll applied can be dangerous.  Each of us are at different points or stages in our lives.  Some are still seeds, some are just sprouting, others are developing their roots deep and strong. By some others you can already see their branches and by others, their fruits  are very visible.  Its a process.  #lifesjourney #itsaprocess #atalkwithify #mio #alphaliving #Dortmund #Lagos #Freiburg

Be Joyful

 There is a power that comes with been joyful.  Make the decision to be joyful.  On some days it will be easier than others. But it's has health and spiritual values.  #joyful #atalkwithify #alphaliving #mio #Simpleifyy #thechristianentrepreneur

Body Language

 There is what is called body language. You don't say a word but you communicate alot.  #adifferentkindoflanguage #atalkwithify #alphaliving #mio #Freiburg #Lagos #Dortmund #communication

Be refine

 To be refined is to be made better, finner and special.  Use all you go through well.  Did you become rich over night,  don't let it define you. Did you lose something special,  don't let it define you. Did you live in lack or denial,  don't let it define you.  Did you live in overflow,  don't let it define you.  Each season or time or situation has a purpose and a learning.   Be refined.   #redefine #mio #atalkwithify #alphaliving #lifequotes  #Lagos #Dortmund #Freiburg