
Es werden Posts vom Februar, 2020 angezeigt.

Feeling Alone or Lonely?

Feeling Alone or Lonely? There is a big difference between been alone and been lonely. Some people like being alone, on their own, but nobody likes to be lonely. Alone is when you are all by yourself but when one is lonely, they can be in a room filled with people and still feel that they are rejected, left out or even forgotten in the school, work, church, club or even family?. This is not a nice feeling. But one must say that sometimes it is a feeling that can either be justified i.e. proven to be true or it might just be you imagining it to be so, maybe your hormone is working against you, or you are tired, moody or just had a bad day.   In the two cases, it is not nice. I love my alone time, I get rest, strength, inspiration, breath in my alone time. But some people cannot stand being all by themselves. I ask myself, have I ever been lonely, yes of course, almost everyone has experienced this feeling. When we miss our loved ones. But the difference is that for

Alone or lonely 3

Loneliness is a lack, an emptiness,  an unfulfilled yearning.  It's time to fill that hole. With love, family,  friends,  hobbies and the Spirit of God

Alone or lonely 2

There is a big difference.  Some like being alone, others dont like. But No one likes to be lonely.

Poor and Lonely, no thank you

Many people have all that they need materially  but still feel empty and lost. And there are many who don't have much but are filled and surrounded with true love. To have nothing and still be lonely is what I wish no one. 

Loneliness affects all

Sometimes we think that the famous, rich or beautiful people don't know or experience loneliness. But this is not true. Loneliness affects everyone,  every class. Take care. #atalkwithify #mio #quotes #words #loneliness #seekhelp

Reach out

Most times we give attention to ourselves,  how we feel, why someone did this or that to us etc. This is not wrong, but we need to sometimes turn the table around and think, consider and reach out to others. We should put our life setting on helping out, in doing this we give no room for loneliness to set in.

Who is more prone to loneliness?

Research shows that young girls show more signs of loneliness than young boys,  married women experience loneliness more than married men. While single men experience loneliness more than single women. But in all, the average, man experience loneliness than the average woman. Women need quality in relationship, while men are keen on quantity.  world.

Lonely? Seek help.

In Germany at least 10% of its population are considered lonely, as of early 2017 and this percentage is rapidly growing in different Age groups. You can read more about this      👇 According to another statistics,  over 60 Million people in America suffer from loneliness One is termed lonely, when thoughts of loneliness and abandon crosses omes and at least once a week. Talk to someone if you are feeling lonely, if you have felt lonely before, help someone out.

Feeling lonely or alone 1

In many cases,  loneliness is not seen on the face, but is eating up the heart. Smiling  is great, but a lot of us hide deep loneliness in our hearts.

The unlovables

We all have people around us that we ter unlovable because they are difficult to love and we tend to keep our distance.  But the truth is that these unlovables are actually craving for love. Let's reach out and show them love, even if sometimes,  "only from a distance"

Love Week

Yes, life takes place only once, there are no other opportunities,  there are only past, memories,  regrets etc. Let your memories count, live today consciously,  love and be loved.

Love week

There is a circle of people around you,  family, friends etc. Reach out and give love to that one person that needs and craves for it. Now.

Love week

UWhatever one does in the name of love and the love does not come from the heart,  it is only time, one gets tired and shows the real color.

Power of words

There was a man, he had a dream.  In the dream, there was a wheat farm. On the farm was 10 wheat plant, all the wheat plants died except one. So, when  he woke up, he wanted to know what the dream means. He called in a dream interpreter and the dream interpreter told him that all his relatives will die except him. The man then called the doorkeeper and aked him to beat up the dream interpreter and put him in prison. Then he called another dream interpreter,  which after the interpretation was rewarded with Gold and silver. Then the door keeper asked him how come he was rewarded and the other interpreter was put into prison. The second dream interpreter then answered and said , sometimes it is not important what you say but how you say it. I told him that he will live longer than his relatives.  And that sounds more positive.


Parents should invest time in their small kids, play with them,  take them out, stop putting them on front of the TV or putting a cell phone in their hands. You will reap the investment   Trust me.


Parent-teenage-conflict takes place, most times,  when the 2 parties involved are operating on different levels of setting. One is t looking down on the other(parent). And the other is looking face to face to the other(teenager). When your teens wants to be treated like adults, parents , sometimes,  need to change their setting and treat them as adults but with ALL its package 😎😜🤫. I tell you, most times or sometimes, the teenagers change their setting to, "you are my parent"

A Tall with Ify

When life happens,  let's be ready to get up and keep moving.

Teenage years series 6

We as parents concentrate on our own feelings more that on the well being of our teenagers.