Feeling Alone or Lonely?

Feeling Alone or Lonely?

There is a big difference between been alone and been lonely. Some people like being alone, on their own, but nobody likes to be lonely. Alone is when you are all by yourself but when one is lonely, they can be in a room filled with people and still feel that they are rejected, left out or even forgotten in the school, work, church, club or even family?.

This is not a nice feeling. But one must say that sometimes it is a feeling that can either be justified i.e. proven to be true or it might just be you imagining it to be so, maybe your hormone is working against you, or you are tired, moody or just had a bad day.  In the two cases, it is not nice.

I love my alone time, I get rest, strength, inspiration, breath in my alone time. But some people cannot stand being all by themselves.

I ask myself, have I ever been lonely, yes of course, almost everyone has experienced this feeling. When we miss our loved ones. But the difference is that for some, this is a normal state for them, and this can lead to a lot of problems, for example, depression, somatic sickness, suicidal thoughts

If it is was just our hormones driving us crazy and making us act strangely causing people to keep their distance, then we need rest, sleep to coordinate our thoughts. The next day, you will see the things better as they really are. If it is just a feeling, it would have gone away, then please reach out to your loved ones.

But if and when the feeling continues, so, 2 times in a week, then is time to seek help.

Research shows that girls shows more signs of loneliness than boys, married women than married men, but single men show more signs the single ladies.

Women need quality in a relationship, while men need quantity, so when this is failing, loneliness creeps in. Sometimes and indeed in many cases, loneliness is not seen on the face, put it gradually eats up the heart.

Many times, we think that the rich and famous don’t experience loneliness, oh how wrong we are. Loneliness affects every class, the rich and beautiful maybe able to mask their pain of loneliness, so more the more the effect of it. What we have in form of property and it’s like cannot replace the void loneliness causes.

Is there a way out?

Do we need to change some things in our lives and so that the right people will come into ourselves?

Do you need to speak to a professional, please do seek help? Share your pain and fears. I make myself available, my contact details are here so please

If we can, lets look beyond ourselves and reach out to others.

After all, said and done, and you are still left out, it is then time to move on. Move ahead, break new ground, go new ways, find yourself new, keep your head up, you will find the people that are supposed to be in your space.

Everyone feels left out for some period of time, be it moving to a new city or starting college. Typically, the feelings subside by themselves within six months. But when it comes to treating chronically isolated people, some interventions work better than others. In a large meta-analysis done last year, Cacioppo and colleagues found that two of the best ways to treat loneliness are to train people for the social skills they need to view the world in a more positive light, and to bring people together to share good times.


Let the smile on your face reach deep into your heart.

Love Ify


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