
Es werden Posts vom März, 2020 angezeigt.

Culture Shock Series 6

I have been living outside my culture for over 18 years. If I would have to choose what I miss most, I will not think twice. My family.  Yes I miss some food or some places but my family is what I miss most. Ify

Culture Shock Series 5

It is so interesting to travel, meet new people, experience new things and have a second place to call home. But, all in all. No matter how perfect everything can seem, a piece of Home is always missing IFY

Culture Shock 4

Like I said. The Cold season came. I had never seen snow before. I waited and waited. I had believed that the Snow would welcome me but it had other things in mind.  I had to go and welcome the snow. I had to drive up to the mountain to touch snow, I could simply not wait again. It was a great feeling. 😄🤭 Ify

Culture Shock Series 3

When i first came to Germany, it was during the Summer time, in July. People came to visit and welcome me. I was waiting patiently for the sun to go down so that everyone will start going home because I was really tired. But no way, 9 -10pm in the night and it was still clear outside. Then came the colder months, before you know it was already dark but the time was 4pm. This was a wonder to me. Ify

Culture Shock Series 2

Coming from a Land with different Spices, thinking one has seen or tasted it all , it was a shock  to find out that my taste buds still had work to do.😄 We all have different tongues, toned by different spices. All around the world there are so many spices. Some smell good and taste good. Some smell good and taste not so nice  while some others smell bad but taste great. Sometimes one needs to taste and maybe get used to each particular taste and sometimes it takes time. What's your treasured Spice. Mine is Ogiri, if you know, you know. 😄😄 Ify

Culture Shock Series 1

Do we know what culture Schock is? Culture schlock "mio" definition is moving out of your known and experiencing what you never thought existed. How do you define culture shock? I will be sharing some experiences with you and how I was able to accept,  change and reject somethings. Ify

You live your dream when you Know, develop and utilize your Talent

It is said that if your dream does not scare you it is not big enough. We must, we should, and we can dream and dream big. Big, very big. Just have a strong stairway to help you get there. Your dream should be based on something you love doing but you just multiply it by a million. It is said that a river cuts through a rock, not because of its strength, but because of its persistence. What is your dream, what have you always wanted to do, since you were small or young? What gives you peace and satisfaction. Some people worked on their dream and end up living big. Most times one’s dream is linked with one’s talent and one’s talent is what one spends time dreaming about. So, take the time and find out what your talent is. I have personally come to the conclusion that no one is talentless. I can agree if you have not discovered it but that you don’t have one, I beg to disagree. What a Talent or Gift? A Talent is the Skill that someone has to do something ve

Success defined

Many times we all define success in terms of money,  power or position.  I will agree to this to an extent. But the problem comes in when you speak to the rich and high and you realise all the things that are still missing in their life that you night have. Success is what you define it to be. For me success is being in a place of peace, thankfulness,  health and contentment. Yes we should aim high to make more money, but why I ask. I aim to make more money to be a channel of blessing to many. When you have to get that "money,  position or power" at all cost, then you are being robbed somewhere else. Our mindsets goes along in determining what success for each of us is. Live your dream and be at peace.with yourself Ify

Talent Series 10

We all say that consistency and persistency helps us to achieve our goals. This is 💯 true. We need to keep on doing the right things but some days we wake up and feel like doing nothing.  Although we know that we need to be consistent and persistent. On such days, discipline is what helps you to go on. Be disciplined in all you do and you will come out great.  Ify

Talent Series 9

Hi, I know that you might be doing well where you are and that is great. But to remain there can be fatal.  You need to work at getting better at what you do. You need to find ways to improve on yourself daily if possible.  The world around d us is changing,  technology,  medicine,  social media. Aim higher, not higher than someone else but higher than the you of yesterday. Ify

Talent Series 8

When we have dreams and we leave them in the box, we have fear,  we think of all the reasons why we should start later, we are afraid of critic and failure, then I can only announce to you that YOU,  yes YOU are the number hindrance to achieving your dream. No one said it will be easy, I encourage you to at least look at your dream today, open the box and look at it. Start today. Ify

Talent Series 7

Yes I say, make your dream as big as possible. But, now in this present Moment, you need to give the best you can in what your are doing. it is a way of paying into your "Dream-Account". Ify

Talent Series 6

No one can stop you from dreaming,  you, only you can stop yourself from dreaming.  Like I always say, it is a dream, make it as big as you can, in achieving them, is when you put small stones to make a staircase to get to the dream. Don't leave your dream, a dream, put in action and faith, then your dream can become your life. Ify

Talent Series 5

Each of us have a spice in us, some of us have salt in us to make things sweeter or preserve things. Some others have pepper in them to make things hot and also to preserve things, while others are Garlic, they might smell on the outside but have healing powers on the inside. There is also curry, nutmeg, oregano,  thyme and so on. So, which spice are you, bring it out of the shelf  and make a difference in and to your world. Ify

Talent Series 4

Your dreams have been lying unused,  untapped, idle and Stagnant for too long. It's time to unwrap them and start living the life that pays you most, it might not necessarily be money but contentment and fulfillment awaits you.

Talent Series 3

When you get even a small blick into what is in front of , you know which strategy to use, you plan better and fortify yourself well. #atalkwithify #mio #quotes #words #talent #discoveringmytalent

Talent Series 2

We are in the third month of the year already.  Maybe you set some goals to attain before the first quarter of the year ends, that means you have 28 days. That is alot. So, till now you have failed and not yet achieved "IT". Get up, dust your cloth put on your working shoes,  go back to the drawing table or rather put your drawings to work. Talent is great but hardwork pays. 

Talent Series 1

Life can be so funny sometimes..some people have discovered their talent but don't know what to do with it, while others don't even know if they have a talent or not. Which category  do you belong to , A or B.