You live your dream when you Know, develop and utilize your Talent

It is said that if your dream does not scare you it is not big enough. We must, we should, and we can dream and dream big. Big, very big. Just have a strong stairway to help you get there. Your dream should be based on something you love doing but you just multiply it by a million.

It is said that a river cuts through a rock, not because of its strength, but because of its persistence. What is your dream, what have you always wanted to do, since you were small or young? What gives you peace and satisfaction. Some people worked on their dream and end up living big. Most times one’s dream is linked with one’s talent and one’s talent is what one spends time dreaming about.

So, take the time and find out what your talent is. I have personally come to the conclusion that no one is talentless. I can agree if you have not discovered it but that you don’t have one, I beg to disagree.

What a Talent or Gift?
A Talent is the Skill that someone has to do something very well that people usually like and that is difficult or unusual. Talent can be learnt or created, and sometimes it is in born. It can be an inner quality that emerges effortlessly, and we may have more than one talent. People have talent to sing, dance, draw, speak, clean, insight, sleep (go to a research lab) so many. Share yours with me.
Let me share mine with you. I can clean for Africa. I love to encourage and help and take care of people. I can make hair; I make all my hair myself. I learn fast (apart from languages) or get a point fast. I love to learn or study, I love kids, i love to teach and preach.

We have natural and trained talents. I know people that went to the University to study a particular course, but it is their natural talent that is paying their bills.
Even if someone has talent, they may still have to work very hard if they want to perform well. Some people become quite good at something even if they do not have much talent, but they are willing to work very hard at the skill.

What do you think, Talent versus hard work, which one is more powerful and why?

Talent Test:
How do we know our talent?
1. What do I do most times?
2. What do I enjoy doing?
3. On what do I spend money on
4. Ask your loved ones what they think

Now the next thing to do is to check out the weaknesses that can weaken that talent or dream
I don´t stop when I am tired, I stop when I am done. I normally tell my kids, I am using my last strength to get the work done, “keep moving forward that is how winning is done” Rocky Balboa.

I see life as so short, yesterday I was young and today, …..
We need to consciously beware of it and utilize it to its fullest. Knowing and living your dream, makes life worth life, it is a priceless feeling.

. “To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream, not only plan, but also believe.” – Anatole France

“Put your heart, mind, and soul into even your smallest acts. This is the secret of success.” –Swami Sivananda

“Let your dreams be bigger than your fears, your actions louder than your words, and your faith stronger than your feelings.” — Unknown

Sometimes and in fact many times, we need to change our habits in order for us to move towards our dream, that is why you need to know your weakness and ways of overcoming them.
Try everyday to be 0,000001% better and I tell you that that is a lot when you are consistent.

In conclusion, “Believe you can and you are halfway there” Theodore Roosevelt
With Love

Special Offer
Benjamin Franklin said “an investment in Knowledge always pays the best interest.
Today a talk with ify is offering one person a free lifetime learning program from Shaw academy. Go to my website to get the details.
Are you between the ages of 25 and 45, maybe a graduate or not and you need to improve on yourself in order to achieve your dream faster. A talk with Ify is offering 1 person a lifetime opportunity to learn online and gain new skills or improve on the skills you already have.
There are over 50 courses to choose from. Shaw Academy is an online webinar learning program to improve yourself and get CPD certification.
The courses are in English mainly, although you also have an opportunity to learn some languages.
Courses vary from Nutrition, to weight loss, to social media marketing, to photography, you can check the website for a full course list.

So, if you are the one to receive this lifetime membership to study as many courses as you need or can and get the necessary certification, send in a short write up mentioning at least 5 reasons why you should be the one to receive this offer. And the best application wins.
Your dream is closer than you imagine.


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