
Es werden Posts vom April, 2020 angezeigt.

Making Mistakes Series 10

Still on making mistakes. The good thing is that you can also learn from the mistakes of others. I tried to ask  these questions,  for people to share with me their biggest mistakes or the one they regret most. Most had a mistake they regret, some were able to say but some  could not disclose it. One, because till now they are still living under the consequence of the mistake and secondly it involves other people. As much as we learn from our mistakes,  may we not make.mistakes that touch the heart. Ify

Making Mistakes

Mistake refers to a wrong action, belief, or judgment. a misunderstanding or misconception. According to the Dictionary, Mistake is an error in action, calculation, opinion, or judgment caused by poor reasoning, carelessness, insufficient knowledge, etc. It may also suggest an incorrect understanding, perception, or interpretation: A mistake can be caused by wrong planning, carelessness or oversight Error, Blunder or Slip are words used also in place of Mistake, but a slightly different. Error is similar in sense but may mean a deviation from a moral standard: I finally saw the error of my ways. Blunder suggests a careless, clumsy, or stupid mistake, often serious: a tactical blunder. Slip refers to a small mistake in speech or writing, or to a minor indiscretion: I misspelled his name by a slip of the pen I believe all of us have in one way or the other made a mistake A mistake can make you or break you. We need to be careful; some mistake can be easily c

Making Mistakes Series 9

When we make a mistake and admit it and say we are sorry but still go ahead and make the same mistake, then one might not be wrong to say that we have made it an Habit. Ify

Making Mistakes Series 8

Making Mistakes Series When we "refuse" to take action out of the fear of getting it wrong, then we are getting nowhere.  To move, there must be some time of imbalance.  When you take a step, for a few seconds your were standing  only on one leg. This can make you unstable, yes, you swing from left to right , but most importantly,  you moved forward.  So, take action,make mistake but you move forward. Ify

Making Mistakes Series 7

We have all made mistakes at one time or the other.  And I am sure we gave excuses why the mistake occurred. But when others make the same mistakes,  we begin to judge them, you were careless, you don't concentrate, how could you have etc. Let's be a bit compassionate to others when they fail or make mistakes. Ify

Making Mistakes Series 6

I must confess that I personally made this mistake till I got married.  My husband said to me one day, "it is so funny the way you think, people think differently ". I mean, I believed in the good in man. I still do but I have learnt to study people. I try not to he judgmental but we can be so different,  with different backgrounds and experiences.  So, don't make the mistake.  Ify  

Making Mistakes Series 5

Don't keep making the same mistakes,  it doesn't show you are wise or that you have learnt something.  Learn from it and move on.  Ify

Making Mistakes Series 4

Making Mistakes Series As much as mistakes can take us to higher heights when we learn from it. At the same time, we should be very careful not to make mistakes that can forever break  us.

Making Mistakes Series 3

As long as you are up and doing, mistakes can happen.  If one can avoid it , then by all means do, but to sit and do nothing because of the fear of not making mistakes,  then you are signing up for Stagnancy.  No growth Ify #atalkwithify #mio #quotes #mistake #nolimits

Making Mistakes 2

When you ask successful people, you will be surprised how many mistakes they made before they got to where they are. But they didn't make the same mistakes many times, they made different mistakes at different stages. Ify

Making Mistakes 1

We are all humans, I want to believe. A lot of mistakes are inevitable, get the strength to move on and don't allow them to define you.

Culture shock, My experience

Culture shock  is an experience a person may have when one moves to a cultural environment which is different from one's own; it is also the personal disorientation a person may feel when experiencing an unfamiliar way of life due to immigration or a visit to a new country, a move between social environments, or simply transition to another type of life. So, in my own words and experience, Culture Shock is the experience I had coming from Nigeria, a Country in West Africa to Germany, a Country in Europe. I was already an adult when I came to Germany and it was in July. My first Culture Shock that I experienced was that, on that faithful day, I arrived Germany around 11 °Clock, we had some people that visited us. I was waiting for it to get dark, but it didn’t. It was about 10 pm that it was finally dark. I was so surprised because where I was coming from, it gets dark from 6 – 7 pm. And the next morning, by 5.30, 6 am it is already clear and bright. But unknown to me,

Culture Shock Series 7

We all come from different backgrounds with different ideas and ideologies.  So, instead of competing, fighting or struggling, lets accept,  compliment and complete where possible. Life is too short, keep it simple and enjoy it. Ify