Making Mistakes

Mistake refers to a wrong action, belief, or judgment.
a misunderstanding or misconception.

According to the Dictionary, Mistake is an error in action, calculation, opinion, or judgment caused by poor reasoning, carelessness, insufficient knowledge, etc.
It may also suggest an incorrect understanding, perception, or interpretation:
A mistake can be caused by wrong planning, carelessness or oversight
Error, Blunder or Slip are words used also in place of Mistake, but a slightly different.
Error is similar in sense but may mean a deviation from a moral standard: I finally saw the error of my ways.
Blunder suggests a careless, clumsy, or stupid mistake, often serious: a tactical blunder.
Slip refers to a small mistake in speech or writing, or to a minor indiscretion: I misspelled his name by a slip of the pen

I believe all of us have in one way or the other made a mistake

A mistake can make you or break you. We need to be careful; some mistake can be easily corrected while some cannot be.

Some mistakes are as small as saying blue instead of green, others can be as big and bad as paying money in the wrong account number or handling a loaded gun wrongly.  

Mistakes happen, what then, life must go on, but not as usually

We must know how the mistake happened, can we correct, can we say sorry, can we restitute, then we should, but there are some that we can do nothing about, so then what

You need to:
·         Accept and Admit it
·         Learn from it and move on (don’t kill yourself, don’t stay stocked in one place, get up, learn and move on.)
·         Don’t repeat it.

Sometimes when we hide our mistakes, they follow us all through,
It’s not that we make mistakes that is the problem, it is how we correct them that defines us.

Ten things we can learn from our mistakes
  1. Can serve as a warning.
  2. Remind us of our humanity.
  3. Slow us down when we need to.
  4. Point us in a more creative direction
  5. Point us to something we did not know.
  6. Teach us more about others.
  7. Inform us more about our values.
  8. Help us to pace ourselves better.
  9. Can suggest new options we had not considered.
  10. Point out structural problems in our lives.

Try never to make mistakes,
But also, don’t be afraid to make mistakes. To fear to make mistakes, is to never do anything, it to never move, it is to never dream.

When I was growing up, I was at home, that is I didn’t go to boarding house like my elder siblings, so one day I was washing, and I broke a plate. My mum was very angry and said that I was always breaking things. My father said something that I have never forgotten that it was because I was the one doing it that is why I was the one breaking things. You make mistakes because you tried doing something.
If you allow the fear of not making mistake hold you back, then you cannot achieve great things

The man that invented bulb

Edison failed 10,000 times before he made the electric light. Do not be discouraged if you fail a few times. Napoleon Hill
He didn’t make the same mistake 10,000 times; he made a different mistake each time.

‘Any man can make mistakes, but only an idiot persists in his error.’

Mistake is a part of life, just be careful not to make mistakes that touch. The one that will change you badly. Mistakes happen, then what, Life should go on but not as usually.



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