
Es werden Posts vom Juli, 2020 angezeigt.

Teamwork Series 8

When working in a team, your language should be we, us, our.  The "I" spirit comes out as if one is not a "good" teamplayer.   Our decisions,  our process our results should be our goal. Ify.

Teamwork Series 7

Teamwork Series  In a team, decisions should be made together where and when possible. When all are involved,  better decisions come out because it is coming from different perspectives.  Ify. #atalkwithify #mio #quotes #teamwork #EyesOnTheGoal #SaturdayMotivation

The better You

Don't ever waste your energy being in competition with someone.   Try everyday to be a better version of you.   Do today what you could not do yesterday,  do today better, what you did yesterday good.  Be bold today, where you were afraid yesterday.  Climb that mountain that you gave up on yesterday.   Reach today  the next height of you. Ify.

Teamwork Series 6

A team is a group of people, it can be a family,  a class, a club, a group of friends, working mates etc that are constantly growing and shaping up Together.  "A" is rubbing off on "B" and "B" doing the same on "C" and everyone is being active, everyone is being involved,  everyone being a part, everyobe being a member. Ify


They say when you fail to plan, you have actually planned to fail. Not having a goal or a specific plan is not the best way to go. But also having a goal that is made out of all the wrong reasons can only lead to an unfulfilled and unaccomplished life. Have the right goals, aim for the right things. Ify.

Teamwork Series 5

No matter how good each team member is,  without the same goal, the same focus, the same language,  the same system and the same Spirit, that team loses.out.  Find your place in your team.  Ify.

Teamwork Series 4

There is a set goal in almost every organization,  group,  family or company.  And this goal should be seen as a personal goal and not their goal. Once we start so think as an "outsider" in a team then, there is a problem somewhere that needs to be addressed.  It is our goal, our win, our mistake or our failure.  It is our victory.  It is teamwork.  Ify

Teamwork Series 3

No matter how strong you are, there is a limit to where your strength or wisdom can take you. I know there are times when we have the feeling, "let me just do this by myself and finish it in peace" I know I feel like that also. But the truth is, imagine if two of your kind have the same mindset, imagine all that you can achieve.   The bible says,  two are better than one, because when one falls down,  the other can raise him up. Another quote that I love, it is also in the bible, it says  "one can chase a thousand,  and two ten thousand". Not two can chase two thousand but a multiplication of 10. And I want to believe that when it is then three or four people, the multiplying factor increases accordingly.  The question or challenge might be to find the "right" teammate. 

Teamwork Series 2

You can be many in a group, still the job is not got done, faster or well .  It takes the members of the group working well together for the work to get done. The amount of people don't matter. When people work well together,  3 people can get the work done more than 10 people would.  So, let's not just be a part of a team, let's aim to be a functional part of the team.  Ify.

Teamwork Series 1

We are all born differently.  Even the kids from the same parents have their different strength and weaknesses. One can cook, the other cleans, one is theory oriented while the other is a practical person. The same applies in a team. When all involved come in with their talents and when these are rightly places, effectiveness is the result.  Ify.