
Es werden Posts vom August, 2020 angezeigt.

No more Excuses

 There is alot in us, so much wanting to be brought out. So, instead of just waiting to get it all right and perfect  start with what you have in you, your voice in speech and song, your sense, your creativity,  your legs, your time etc. Start with what is inside you, start now. Ify.

Don't be afraid of the Dark

 We all are blessed with one talent or the other. It is not a bad thing to look at others and try to do what they are doing. But the truth is , where there are so many lights, yours might become insignificant.  But, that your light, yes small and tiny as it maybe, not even recognized by people around you but when that small tiny light comes into a dark dark place, where they don't know it before, it becomes the only light that all see. It becomes the standard because it is the first. And all rush to you. You are never insignificant,  you might not just be in the right place. You light shine brightest when it is darkest.  Ify

The Art of Waiting

Waiting is an attribute that alot of us don't have or don't even want. It takes patience,  self control and focus to wait.  If the wait is not so long, we attempt it. But when we sense that the wait might be long, we immediately look out for other  alternatives.  This in itself is not bad but the truth is that we might miss out of alot of things when we don't wait.  We need to know how to wat well. Use waiting to your advantage.  Be creative when you have to wait.  Rest, when you have to wait,  restrategize when you have to wait. Sow more seeds when you have to wait . But also, know when the waiting is no more worth it and move ahead.  Ify. #atalkwithify #mio #quotes #waiting #creativity #focus #rest #otheralternatives #itsworthit #patience #selfcontrol 

Keep the fire burning

 What do I mean by fire. Maybe you just discovered that you are  talented in drawing, that is your fire. For some it is in their business, school or even Christian life.  The fire is there great, but I tell you if you don't keep it burning,  it will die down and finally go out.  But, continuity, consistency, persistency,  growth(knowledge)  and sharing keeps the fire burning.  Knowledge is like wood or oil that keeps it burning,  persistency and consistency is like the wind blocker that prevents your fire from being blown out. Keep your fire burning and glow into greatnes Ify

A little about alot

Some of us including me, we have restricted ourselves in some areas because we lack knowledge about it.  We might not know everything,  but it is good to know a little about alot. You will be surprised how it can be of help to you in the future . Ify #atalkwithify #mio #quotes #words #knowledge #alittleaboutalot #learning

Eyes on the Goal

Distractions are everywhere.  To get from A to B,you encounter different forms of distractions,  time, people, money, other activities and even you yourself.  But, if you really want to get to your goal, never lose sight if it. #EyesOnTheGoal Ify

Choices aand Decisions 2

We all have found ourselves in situations where we have to make a decision, and the right decision seemed really hard and even the consequences are also challenging.  But deep down we know that that is the right thing . So, if you are a principled person or trying to be one, Continue to do the right thing,  let people know you as such, the good thing is  that it pays at the end. Remember, a good name is better than riches. 😁 Ify


 When things happen and we have to make decisions,  we are trapped in thinking that we didn't have any other choice.  But the truth is, life always,  always presents alot of choices, but the problem is that, some of those choices we have already ruled out of our minds, because of its later consequences,  its challenges or difficulties.  But choices we have. My encouragement for us today, is that instead of always running to the "only choice " or to the "I didn't have a choice", let's critically  look at the other choices.  Why did we rule them out,  money problems,  time problem,  what people will say problem, I am bigger than that problem etc.  Instead, look at the big picture "Eyes on the Goal"  and then make not just the Hard decision but probably the best decision of your life.  Ify.

Do you Good Plan

 To have a plan is good, to have a good plan is very good but to work on a plan is  best than just having a very good plan. What have you always planned to do? Start it today, start it now. Put that not so good plan into action, then as you go on, you can better it.  Because, even the best of plans are only theory, in reality other challenges can come up to show its flaws. Start work on that plan today.  Ify

Pastor Palmer's take on leadership 4

 As a good leader, you can't do it all by yourself.  You need to learn to duplicate yourself,  delegate work and have confidence in your team that they can. When people feel needed and treasured,  they bring out their best. Ify

Pastor Palmer's take on Leadership 3

 As a leader, In order to move forward and achieve great things, there is need to communicate your vision clearly.  Because if your team does not know, beleive, accept or follow your vision, with time you will give up. And when we are in a team where we are not in agreement with the leader's vision,  it is very important to voice it openly to the leader so that he or she may know the next step, either change the vision or change the team. To have many people and still run alone is tiring and unfruitful.  Same Vision, many hands, faster results. Ify

Pastor Palmer's take on Leadership 2

 Leadership is not a one day thing, is a thing of experience, Vision and contact with others.  Ify

Pastor Palmar's take on Leadership 1

 Get ready to watch my interview with Pastor Dr.  Palmer, founder and leader of the International Christian Church Freiburg Germany.  A transformational leadership style creates a vision and inspires subordinates to strive beyond required expectations, whereas transactional leadership focuses more on extrinsic motivation for the performance of job tasks. Men are allowed to be transformational and women are permitted to be transactional 😁😁 Ify.