The Art of Waiting

Waiting is an attribute that alot of us don't have or don't even want. It takes patience,  self control and focus to wait. 

If the wait is not so long, we attempt it. But when we sense that the wait might be long, we immediately look out for other  alternatives.  This in itself is not bad but the truth is that we might miss out of alot of things when we don't wait. 

We need to know how to wat well. Use waiting to your advantage.  Be creative when you have to wait.  Rest, when you have to wait,  restrategize when you have to wait. Sow more seeds when you have to wait .

But also, know when the waiting is no more worth it and move ahead. 


#atalkwithify #mio #quotes #waiting #creativity #focus #rest #otheralternatives #itsworthit #patience #selfcontrol 


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