
 Time 🕰️⏱️⏱️⌚⏲️

Some measure time in hours and minutes ⏱️🕑, while some others in Dollar and cent. 💸💸💰

Some plan their time 📝📝and others just go with the flow.😎🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤩🥳

Some see their time only from past and present,  their future does not exist. 🏁🏁

Some are living on borrowed time, others are wasting their time.🗑️🗑️⏳⏳

Never forget,  your time is yours, use it well. 

Place the right value for it, exchange it with the right things and see it work well for you.

All the best with your time.


#mio #atalkwithify #simpleifyy #actnow #redefined 


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