
Es werden Posts vom Oktober, 2021 angezeigt.

Strike a balance

Have you ever done something before that only you knew why you did it? But everyone else saw and read it in another way?🤔🤔 This is very normal.😌🥲 As humans, one can only read meanings into the behaviour of others  because that is what one sees 👀. That's why one needs to reach a balance  ⚖⚖between why one is doing something and how it is presented.  One might not be able to strike a balance all the time but its always worth the try. Happy weekend 🥰🥰 Simple Ifyy #mio #atalkwithify #Simpleiffy #alphaliving #redined #selfawareness


 I strongly believe in Simplicity. LIfe is complicated enough with misunderstanding, misinformation and the rest.  Part of the benefits of   deciding for Simplicity are: TRUTH AUTHENTICITY  ORIGINALITY  REALNESS  REPETITION  FOCUS SATISFACTION  Choosing to live simple affects your thoughts,  feelings, decision making, dealing with others and accepting yourself in the best possible way.  So, opt for Simplicity. Simple Ify #simpleifyy #mio #atalkwithify  #redefined #alphaliving #Erfolgsteam

Doing Nothing?

 When someone asks , what are you doing,  we sometimes say nothing 🤷‍♀️, maybe with the intention that we are not actively active. 😁 But the truth is that, we are always doing something,  either actively,  passively,  consciously or unconsciously.  It is either you are sitting down with your hands on your lap, or your are lying down awake on your left side, or you are actively asleep. Be aware of you and live intentionally. To lazy around is not bad, but intentionally chose it when you do it. #atalkwithify #alphaliving #simpleifyy #impartinglives #redefine #lifecoach


 Hi people, many times we see humility in a wrong light but maybe with the right motive. Just because you want to show that you are humble, you put yourself down, or talk yourself down.  You need to be very aware of who you are and what you are capable of.  God thinks great things about you.💃💃💃💯💯🥰🥰🥰 Here comes the but. It is not always about you, and should not be always about you. Others should be in focus . And the funny thing is , you will be surprised how it turns out to lift you up, even higher than you alone could ever have achieved. Ify #atalkwithify #mio # alphaliving

What do you see

 How often do you look at the mirror, once in a while 🤣🤣Daily 😎, or many times in a day🤪🤪, or not at all🧐🧐. Do you like what you see? In terms of shape, colour, attitude, dressing, mindset etc?  Do you; ▶️ see all you can be ▶️ accept yourself  ▶️ beat up yourself  ▶️ decide never to look in the mirror again. Or Do you appreciate  ▶️ where you are coming from ▶️ where you are ▶️ Do you restrategize so that when next you look in the mirror, you can see signs of who you want to become. Let me go and look in the mirror and know my next strategy 🥰🥰 Simply Ify  #atalkwithify #alphaliving #mio #redefi ned #becoming


 A lot of people, myself included always thought that happiness has to do with the things around you. There is truth in that statement.  But the sad thing is that if that was true all the time, then most people will be unhappy.   Happiness is actually a decision. Happiness is a feeling, a reaction to something.  So, theoretically we can wake up and say, today, no matter what comes, I chose to be happy. (Of course,  if death etc comes we are broken,  but you get the idea). The choice to chose happiness is very valuable especially in situations we cannot change.  Happiness is like Joy, it gives strength and hope.  Ify #atalkwithify #mio #redefined #behappy #youchose #Freiburg  So, chose to be happy.