What do you see

 How often do you look at the mirror, once in a while 🤣🤣Daily 😎, or many times in a day🤪🤪, or not at all🧐🧐.

Do you like what you see? In terms of shape, colour, attitude, dressing, mindset etc? 

Do you;

▶️ see all you can be

▶️ accept yourself 

▶️ beat up yourself 

▶️ decide never to look in the mirror again.

Or Do you appreciate 

▶️ where you are coming from

▶️ where you are

▶️ Do you restrategize so that when next you look in the mirror, you can see signs of who you want to become.

Let me go and look in the mirror and know my next strategy 🥰🥰

Simply Ify 

#atalkwithify #alphaliving #mio #redefi

ned #becoming


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