
Es werden Posts vom 2020 angezeigt.

Planing for tomorrow

 Immediate gain can be so sweet but we are all aware that it comes selten. What some of us are reaping today, good or bad is what we sowed a day, a month or years back.  We admire "successful people" and want to be like them but have we read about how they got there.  So, what do you want your tomorrow to look like? Start sowing the seeds today. Success starts with the process.  Sow seeds, work hard,  work smart, be patient but not stagnant and then add the gracefactor and what we see in our tomorrow we will get it when we get there.

Thinking Series

 To start a journey,  you need to know where you are going to. You might not know how, how long, with what, how many stops, with who etc.  But, what you must know is "your destination".  After this, you start to ask the right questions.  Ask the right people the right questions and you see yourself moving  closer to the right direction, to your destination.  Ify  #atalkwithify #mio #thinking #destination #onthemove 

Thinking Series

 To judge is something we all do easily,  this is because it is an automatic action. You see someone abuse another person, we judge the person to be bad. We see someone helping out, we judge the person to be good.  But, when take the time to truly look into it, you see the why, when  and how of the situation.  Let's activate our gray cells, as Hercule Poirot would put it. Ify. #atalkwithify #mio #thinkingforachange 

Making Conclusions

 When we jump into conclusions,  it only means that there is no evidence to back up what we are saying. Most times we do this because we "think" we know the person or also when we know nothing about the person. We as humans, we are limited in our knowledge,  we base our judgment on what we see (and depending on our position, a 9 can be seen as a 6) or on how we feel about the person. It's only God that knows the heart of man, he looks beyond what man does to why man does it.  What can we do? Let's learn to make excuses for others until they expose themselves more clearly.   Ify. #atalkwithify #mio #quotes #proofmatters #beknowledgeable #rightconclutions #patience #Freiburg #rightpositiioning #theprocessmatterz

Nothing in itself is bad

In medicine, fever can be a sign that something is wrong and/or that the body is fighting. Fear, healthy fear makes you careful and helps you act wisely. Pain can help you get treatment against a more deadly or dangerous disease. These might seem like bad feelings at the first sight, but when we know where it is coming from and why, we can use it to our advantage.  CIP ( Congenital insensitivity to pain) patients are insensitive to pain, hence for them no pain means no indicator until the situation gets worst. At the end, nothing in itself is bad. Ify. #atalkwithify #mio #quotes #painheals #takeadvantage #NotAllIsBad #mindsetiseverything #Freiburg #discover

Thinking Series 5

Many times because of our culture, upbringing, peer group or even status,  we think and do things in a particular way even if it is not bringing us results.   Change can seem and feel so scaring and overwhelming. But, if we really want to do better, if we really want to see results, if we really want to live a better life than what we lived yesterday, then we should embrace change.  Ify #atalkwithify #mio #quotes #Freiburg #thinkingforachange #bebetter #change   

Thinking Series 4

Thiniking Series 3 Living an intentional life is what is missing in most of our lives.  Most times, we just go with the flow. While this is sometimes understandable,  it doesn't take you to your desired destination.  But when you choose to live everyday intentionally,  your thinking changes. You move consciously and deliberately towards your purpose and goals. Every step you take starts to matter and starts to be profitable.  Ify #atalkwithify #think #liveintentionally #purposedrivenlife #everystepcounts

Thinking Series 3

 Many years back, a popular Nigerian actor used this phrase alot in his lines: "If you worry you will die, if you don't worry you will die, why worry then". Worry gets you and I no where. Worry is a state that our unconscious mind puts us into, as a reaction to a particular situation and it solves nothing.  Instead of worrying, think for a change.  Ify.

In Life, Life happens

Disappointments, betrayals,  surprises,  shocks, failures, misjudgments etc. These "negative " occurrences make us to want to go and hide or take a time out.  While that is good and has it's great advantages, it should not end there.  When you do nothing, life does not stand still waiting till you are ready again. Time never stops.  So, I encourage you, there is an inbuilt "fighter mechanism"  in each of us but you and I need to know exactly when to bring it out and apply it well. Go to where you can recieve the needed oxygen,  breath and live. Ify. #atalkwithify #mio #quotes #lifehappens #life #breathe #ican #fighter #encouragement #timeneverstops

Thinking Series 2

 Thinking Series 2 Throughout  history we read how inventors and laymen came up with great and useful ideas and creation after encountering  challenges and problems in their environment.   But, it takes reflection (a form a thinking) on the challenge and time of quietness, I call it creative quietness to come up with the results they had. Let's learn to consciously and intentionally take out time to think reflectively and creatively.  Ify.

Thinking Series 1

 Have you said or heard somebody say, "stop thinking too much"? Somehow, thinking is seen as a negative thing by many and this is wrong. We substitute thinking for worrying and they are not the same, very different terms. Thinking is an act of considering and reasoning about something and it is done with the brain.  Though, there are different types and levels of thinking and we would be looking into them.  Ify. #atalkwithify #mio #quotes #thinking #thinkers #creating #creativity #planning

Be you.

 In life, there are many things people can do for you and there are many journey we can go in pairs or  even as a group.  But, still there are roads that is reserved only for you. Just you, even a company could be a distraction. On this road you get to know you better, you get to grow and glow.  Ify.

No more Excuses

 There is alot in us, so much wanting to be brought out. So, instead of just waiting to get it all right and perfect  start with what you have in you, your voice in speech and song, your sense, your creativity,  your legs, your time etc. Start with what is inside you, start now. Ify.

Don't be afraid of the Dark

 We all are blessed with one talent or the other. It is not a bad thing to look at others and try to do what they are doing. But the truth is , where there are so many lights, yours might become insignificant.  But, that your light, yes small and tiny as it maybe, not even recognized by people around you but when that small tiny light comes into a dark dark place, where they don't know it before, it becomes the only light that all see. It becomes the standard because it is the first. And all rush to you. You are never insignificant,  you might not just be in the right place. You light shine brightest when it is darkest.  Ify

The Art of Waiting

Waiting is an attribute that alot of us don't have or don't even want. It takes patience,  self control and focus to wait.  If the wait is not so long, we attempt it. But when we sense that the wait might be long, we immediately look out for other  alternatives.  This in itself is not bad but the truth is that we might miss out of alot of things when we don't wait.  We need to know how to wat well. Use waiting to your advantage.  Be creative when you have to wait.  Rest, when you have to wait,  restrategize when you have to wait. Sow more seeds when you have to wait . But also, know when the waiting is no more worth it and move ahead.  Ify. #atalkwithify #mio #quotes #waiting #creativity #focus #rest #otheralternatives #itsworthit #patience #selfcontrol 

Keep the fire burning

 What do I mean by fire. Maybe you just discovered that you are  talented in drawing, that is your fire. For some it is in their business, school or even Christian life.  The fire is there great, but I tell you if you don't keep it burning,  it will die down and finally go out.  But, continuity, consistency, persistency,  growth(knowledge)  and sharing keeps the fire burning.  Knowledge is like wood or oil that keeps it burning,  persistency and consistency is like the wind blocker that prevents your fire from being blown out. Keep your fire burning and glow into greatnes Ify

A little about alot

Some of us including me, we have restricted ourselves in some areas because we lack knowledge about it.  We might not know everything,  but it is good to know a little about alot. You will be surprised how it can be of help to you in the future . Ify #atalkwithify #mio #quotes #words #knowledge #alittleaboutalot #learning

Eyes on the Goal

Distractions are everywhere.  To get from A to B,you encounter different forms of distractions,  time, people, money, other activities and even you yourself.  But, if you really want to get to your goal, never lose sight if it. #EyesOnTheGoal Ify

Choices aand Decisions 2

We all have found ourselves in situations where we have to make a decision, and the right decision seemed really hard and even the consequences are also challenging.  But deep down we know that that is the right thing . So, if you are a principled person or trying to be one, Continue to do the right thing,  let people know you as such, the good thing is  that it pays at the end. Remember, a good name is better than riches. 😁 Ify


 When things happen and we have to make decisions,  we are trapped in thinking that we didn't have any other choice.  But the truth is, life always,  always presents alot of choices, but the problem is that, some of those choices we have already ruled out of our minds, because of its later consequences,  its challenges or difficulties.  But choices we have. My encouragement for us today, is that instead of always running to the "only choice " or to the "I didn't have a choice", let's critically  look at the other choices.  Why did we rule them out,  money problems,  time problem,  what people will say problem, I am bigger than that problem etc.  Instead, look at the big picture "Eyes on the Goal"  and then make not just the Hard decision but probably the best decision of your life.  Ify.

Do you Good Plan

 To have a plan is good, to have a good plan is very good but to work on a plan is  best than just having a very good plan. What have you always planned to do? Start it today, start it now. Put that not so good plan into action, then as you go on, you can better it.  Because, even the best of plans are only theory, in reality other challenges can come up to show its flaws. Start work on that plan today.  Ify

Pastor Palmer's take on leadership 4

 As a good leader, you can't do it all by yourself.  You need to learn to duplicate yourself,  delegate work and have confidence in your team that they can. When people feel needed and treasured,  they bring out their best. Ify

Pastor Palmer's take on Leadership 3

 As a leader, In order to move forward and achieve great things, there is need to communicate your vision clearly.  Because if your team does not know, beleive, accept or follow your vision, with time you will give up. And when we are in a team where we are not in agreement with the leader's vision,  it is very important to voice it openly to the leader so that he or she may know the next step, either change the vision or change the team. To have many people and still run alone is tiring and unfruitful.  Same Vision, many hands, faster results. Ify

Pastor Palmer's take on Leadership 2

 Leadership is not a one day thing, is a thing of experience, Vision and contact with others.  Ify

Pastor Palmar's take on Leadership 1

 Get ready to watch my interview with Pastor Dr.  Palmer, founder and leader of the International Christian Church Freiburg Germany.  A transformational leadership style creates a vision and inspires subordinates to strive beyond required expectations, whereas transactional leadership focuses more on extrinsic motivation for the performance of job tasks. Men are allowed to be transformational and women are permitted to be transactional 😁😁 Ify.

Teamwork Series 8

When working in a team, your language should be we, us, our.  The "I" spirit comes out as if one is not a "good" teamplayer.   Our decisions,  our process our results should be our goal. Ify.

Teamwork Series 7

Teamwork Series  In a team, decisions should be made together where and when possible. When all are involved,  better decisions come out because it is coming from different perspectives.  Ify. #atalkwithify #mio #quotes #teamwork #EyesOnTheGoal #SaturdayMotivation

The better You

Don't ever waste your energy being in competition with someone.   Try everyday to be a better version of you.   Do today what you could not do yesterday,  do today better, what you did yesterday good.  Be bold today, where you were afraid yesterday.  Climb that mountain that you gave up on yesterday.   Reach today  the next height of you. Ify.

Teamwork Series 6

A team is a group of people, it can be a family,  a class, a club, a group of friends, working mates etc that are constantly growing and shaping up Together.  "A" is rubbing off on "B" and "B" doing the same on "C" and everyone is being active, everyone is being involved,  everyone being a part, everyobe being a member. Ify


They say when you fail to plan, you have actually planned to fail. Not having a goal or a specific plan is not the best way to go. But also having a goal that is made out of all the wrong reasons can only lead to an unfulfilled and unaccomplished life. Have the right goals, aim for the right things. Ify.

Teamwork Series 5

No matter how good each team member is,  without the same goal, the same focus, the same language,  the same system and the same Spirit, that team loses.out.  Find your place in your team.  Ify.

Teamwork Series 4

There is a set goal in almost every organization,  group,  family or company.  And this goal should be seen as a personal goal and not their goal. Once we start so think as an "outsider" in a team then, there is a problem somewhere that needs to be addressed.  It is our goal, our win, our mistake or our failure.  It is our victory.  It is teamwork.  Ify

Teamwork Series 3

No matter how strong you are, there is a limit to where your strength or wisdom can take you. I know there are times when we have the feeling, "let me just do this by myself and finish it in peace" I know I feel like that also. But the truth is, imagine if two of your kind have the same mindset, imagine all that you can achieve.   The bible says,  two are better than one, because when one falls down,  the other can raise him up. Another quote that I love, it is also in the bible, it says  "one can chase a thousand,  and two ten thousand". Not two can chase two thousand but a multiplication of 10. And I want to believe that when it is then three or four people, the multiplying factor increases accordingly.  The question or challenge might be to find the "right" teammate. 

Teamwork Series 2

You can be many in a group, still the job is not got done, faster or well .  It takes the members of the group working well together for the work to get done. The amount of people don't matter. When people work well together,  3 people can get the work done more than 10 people would.  So, let's not just be a part of a team, let's aim to be a functional part of the team.  Ify.

Teamwork Series 1

We are all born differently.  Even the kids from the same parents have their different strength and weaknesses. One can cook, the other cleans, one is theory oriented while the other is a practical person. The same applies in a team. When all involved come in with their talents and when these are rightly places, effectiveness is the result.  Ify.


We all are in one position or the order.  Especially those occupying leadership positions.  Our aim should not be that no one will be able to achieve what we are achieving. Our aim should be to raise up  leaders who will be able to achieve greater heights and take up our position,  that way we move up.  Our aim should be to be the best that we can and leave a mark doing it.  Ify 

Driving Force 7

We all have desires, wishes and dreams.  But when we let them stay at that, they remain just that desires, wishes and dreams.  But when we add a little driving force here and there,  now and then, we move gradually towards our goals.  So, imagine if and when we put more power into our driving force,  all those desires , wishes and dreams starts becoming a reality.   Ify. 

Driving Force 6

If you grew up in Africa, Nigeria to be specific,  you would have heard this saying.  "She/he doesn't have two heads ". When I was younger and I come home with my result and on the results I didn't have the first position, my parents will say that the person that got the first position didn't have two heads that means that I could also achieve it. Sometimes our goals are way bigger than us, but let our driving force be that, if others have done it, achieved it  reached there,  we can also.  They don't have two heads.  Ify #atalkwithify #mio #quotes #drivingforce #icandoit 

Driving Force 5

We all go through times when we feel that we have come to the end. We feel that there is no other option, we feel that we have exhausted all our resources in wanting to achieve something.   But do you realize what breakthrough means. It means you got somewhere and you could not continue due to inward or outward factors, and all of a sudden, a green light pops up and you can move again. The journey to greatness of many of the great people that we hear of, began at their breaking points.  Use yours well.  Ify.

Driving Force 4

Driving Force 4 We all have missions and visions that we embark on. Be it to lose weight,  gain weight, start sport, start reading or learning, start a new business or carrier.  In the process we encounter some failures, and when this occurs, instead of giving up, let it be your driving force to do better.  And if you are succeeding,  let that also be your driving force to succeed more.  Don't let anything slow you down. Ify #atalkwithify #mio #quotes #drivingforce #eyesonthegoal #success #failureispartofsuccess

Driving Force 3

When you think that you have another choice,  you don't push hard enough,  you don't reach your limit, it is at your breaking point that you breakthrough.  So, pull through,  you will be surprised that you can. Ify

Regret Series 1

Regret is a feeling of sadness or disappointment and it comes when we miss an opportunity, when we make a bad choice or another choice, when we did something or didn't do something.   And it is also  a way of saying,  I am sorry. If we ask around,  there are many people, if not everyone that has regretted one thing or the other. Even a 10 year old child. The less regrets we have, the better our lives are. Tread carefully. Ify

Driving Force 2

When your eyes are on your goals,  you have the right driving force.  Our paths 00are different. Some of us would have a straight path, others a long pat, while some others a tough and rough path. But what makes you not to give up is what you are looking at. If your eyes are always on the paths then many times our motivation will be low. But when are eyes are on the end result, on our goal or dream, then all we want to do is achieve it. What are you looking at and what are you seeing? Ify

Driving Force 1

It's true we need money to achieve a lot of things, but  when we make it our driving force,  we tend to be mean and cruel and do things at all cost.  Your dream, passion, goals and purpose are a stronger and purer force that removes all negativity, instill softness and tends towards people.   #atalkwithify #mio #quotes #words #drivingforce #purpose #goals #passion 


A wish is a feeling that expresses a strong desire or hope for something, sitting down and only wishing does not bring us closer to our dreams. We need to get up and reach out, you might fail, fall or be embarrassed but you wishing only isn't enough.  In the process of change, there are things within your power and there are things that you cannot do anything about and even the ones you can, a little prayer takes it a long way. Ify

Leadership Series 8

Many times as leaders all we do is send people around. Do this, do that. As much as it is in our position to do so, the place of a true leader is in the place of service.  Robert Greenleaf first coined the phrase "the servant as a leader" or the Servant leader as popularly known today.  A good leader focuses on the needs of others especially that of his team member. And this should be a way of life for every true leader.  Ify.

Leadership Series 7

Before a leader can be a step ahead, at least most of the time, it takes hard work, it takes alot of sacrifice, it takes information gathering and it takes being constantly updated.   There is no time for slacking. A leader has only one main goal and  that is to take his team to teach that goal.  Ify

Body controll

Many times we know that we must do this and that, but our bodies just want to lazy around.  Not that we are tired, just that we lack the discipline sometimes. But to succeed we need to win this battle over.our body, at least most times.  Ify

Leadership Series 6

Leaders lead, or are supposed to lead. If a leader has no sight or even insight, then his followers are destined to no where.  A good leader has a goal, the goal is allowed to be constantly moderated or updated, but a goal he has. His plan then is, to place the people and the available resources into his empty Drawing board until the picture he is drawing becomes the picture he has in his head. Ify

Leadership Series 5

When you shy away from taking up responsibility, you miss out at the chance of being a better you, a better leader.  When given an assignment, even when difficult, embrace and research a way to get it done.  Or, when you see something can be done in a better way, never shy away. Take it up, and watch you grow.  Ify