
Es werden Posts vom 2021 angezeigt.

Use your strengths

 Know your strengths and put them to use. Most of the great inventions today resulted as a result of trying to solve one problem or challenge. So, to win, look out for where you can put your strength to use. Look out for solutions you have that others need. Then you are setting yourself up to WIN. #simpleifyy #alphaliving #mio #problemsolving #atalkwithify

Problem Solving

 How you see a problem, goes a long way to determine your success with it.  For one person, climbing the stairs is a big problem (for many reasons, health problems, fear etc) while for another, climbing the stairs is a sort out challenge to a better way of life.  Take another look at that problem.😀😀 #atalkwithify #problemsolving #alphaliving #mio #Simpleifyy #thechristianentrepreneur

Believe it

 My daughter created this quote. She said, Mama, if one is really passionate about something, nothing should stop them from achieving it, not even their age.  This is so true. How many of us have given up on our dreams because we felt we have passed the age or that the time has passed. No, you can still achieve it, believe it. #believeit #alphaliving #youcan #atalkwithify #mio #Freiburg #Nigeria

Having Problems?

 Problems and challenges has  broken people and has also created great opportunities for be very creative. So, when we see Problems, it's time to put on your Hat of creativity. #alphaliving #mio #atalkwithify #problemsolving #Simpleifyy


 Overestimating one's self means that you are overrating your ability and capability.  It is not always easy to rate one's self rightly but it is very necessary. On the other side, never underestimate yourself,  know that you can. #beyou #mio #atalkwithify #alphaliving #Simpleifyy #Freiburg #Dortmund #Nigeria

You are your Responsibility

 Remember YOU are your responsibility. The way you see things, the way you accept things, the way you react or respond to things.  You should be aware of when what you can allow, for how long and why.  Never forget, you have one life, make try and make the right decisions.  #Simpleifyy #atalkwithify #redefined #mio #selfawareness

Life Lessons

 It is said that, life is one of the greatest teachers. So, When life is teaching us something, we all learn differently.  Some learn fast and some learn later in life, while others still never learn.  I am a kind of person that wakes up before my alarm rings ( I don't know why I set it anyway 😅, does that mean that I am above life leasons🤣🤣)  And that is a wonder.  But to be smart enough to understand the message life is teaching you before you take the exam, it's what is called grace.  #Simpleifyy #atalkwithify #mio #redefined #lifelessons #gracedlife

Own your Story

  Most times most people live in denial. We are humans and are bound to get things wrong sometimes.  But refusing to accept it, means you are accepting to live in denial.  Accept the mistakes, accept the failures,  accept the wrong turns.  But don't stay there. Learn from it and move on. #simpleifyy #atalkwithify #alphaliving #mio #redefined #selfawareness

Self Awareness

 The "ah ah" moments in life when you realise something about yourself and them come to the conclusion that ......... Those are life changing moments. And the more of that we have , the better we become. #simpleifyy #atalkwithify #alphaliving #redefined #mio #Freiburg #Dortmund #nigeria

Be You

 You need to learn and be aware of who you are. Fighting yourself just stresses you out. It brings inner conflict,  unsatisfaction and confusion.  You are you. Be on your own Team.🤩🤩🤩 This does not make all you do right but it should make you aware of your strengths and weaknesses.  Don't destroy the whole material instead make amends where and when necessary.  Be Alpha, Be YOU.🥰🥰🥰 #atalkwithify #alphaliving #redefined #selfawareness #simpleifyy #beyou

How good do you know yourself?

The more you understand yourself,  the more you understand why you did the things you do. The more You are able to weigh your decisions. ⭐You learn how you tick when you are not under strsss. ⭐You learn how you handle risk. ⭐You learn How important are your endgoals ⭐You learn What  your strengths and weaknesses are. If you are  aware of these and more things,  you are able to make better decisions. #simpleiffy #atalkwithify #decisionmaking #mio #redefined #alphaliving

Strike a balance

Have you ever done something before that only you knew why you did it? But everyone else saw and read it in another way?🤔🤔 This is very normal.😌🥲 As humans, one can only read meanings into the behaviour of others  because that is what one sees 👀. That's why one needs to reach a balance  ⚖⚖between why one is doing something and how it is presented.  One might not be able to strike a balance all the time but its always worth the try. Happy weekend 🥰🥰 Simple Ifyy #mio #atalkwithify #Simpleiffy #alphaliving #redined #selfawareness


 I strongly believe in Simplicity. LIfe is complicated enough with misunderstanding, misinformation and the rest.  Part of the benefits of   deciding for Simplicity are: TRUTH AUTHENTICITY  ORIGINALITY  REALNESS  REPETITION  FOCUS SATISFACTION  Choosing to live simple affects your thoughts,  feelings, decision making, dealing with others and accepting yourself in the best possible way.  So, opt for Simplicity. Simple Ify #simpleifyy #mio #atalkwithify  #redefined #alphaliving #Erfolgsteam

Doing Nothing?

 When someone asks , what are you doing,  we sometimes say nothing 🤷‍♀️, maybe with the intention that we are not actively active. 😁 But the truth is that, we are always doing something,  either actively,  passively,  consciously or unconsciously.  It is either you are sitting down with your hands on your lap, or your are lying down awake on your left side, or you are actively asleep. Be aware of you and live intentionally. To lazy around is not bad, but intentionally chose it when you do it. #atalkwithify #alphaliving #simpleifyy #impartinglives #redefine #lifecoach


 Hi people, many times we see humility in a wrong light but maybe with the right motive. Just because you want to show that you are humble, you put yourself down, or talk yourself down.  You need to be very aware of who you are and what you are capable of.  God thinks great things about you.💃💃💃💯💯🥰🥰🥰 Here comes the but. It is not always about you, and should not be always about you. Others should be in focus . And the funny thing is , you will be surprised how it turns out to lift you up, even higher than you alone could ever have achieved. Ify #atalkwithify #mio # alphaliving

What do you see

 How often do you look at the mirror, once in a while 🤣🤣Daily 😎, or many times in a day🤪🤪, or not at all🧐🧐. Do you like what you see? In terms of shape, colour, attitude, dressing, mindset etc?  Do you; ▶️ see all you can be ▶️ accept yourself  ▶️ beat up yourself  ▶️ decide never to look in the mirror again. Or Do you appreciate  ▶️ where you are coming from ▶️ where you are ▶️ Do you restrategize so that when next you look in the mirror, you can see signs of who you want to become. Let me go and look in the mirror and know my next strategy 🥰🥰 Simply Ify  #atalkwithify #alphaliving #mio #redefi ned #becoming


 A lot of people, myself included always thought that happiness has to do with the things around you. There is truth in that statement.  But the sad thing is that if that was true all the time, then most people will be unhappy.   Happiness is actually a decision. Happiness is a feeling, a reaction to something.  So, theoretically we can wake up and say, today, no matter what comes, I chose to be happy. (Of course,  if death etc comes we are broken,  but you get the idea). The choice to chose happiness is very valuable especially in situations we cannot change.  Happiness is like Joy, it gives strength and hope.  Ify #atalkwithify #mio #redefined #behappy #youchose #Freiburg  So, chose to be happy.

No Place for fear

 I believe everyone one of us has something that we are afraid of.😱😨😨😟😟😱  We spend most of time thinking and dwelling on them. But the truth is that, when we do this, we only make ourselves apprehensive, tensed and unfulfilled. 😪😪 Instead, let's put our strength into what will bring us profit.💪💪💪💪 Let's jump and pass those fears ( most times, they are only a feeling) Job in the bible, although everything was working well for him, still he lived in fear. And what he feared happened to him. Ify #simpleifyy #atalkwithify #mio #redefined #noplaceforfear

Failure is a part of success

 Many times we believe that failure Is a sign of weakness,  miscalculation,  carelessness or even a dead end. But the truth is that only a very few people made it to success without any form of failure.  Failure is a feedback, setting us in the right direction.  It can make one stronger.  The greatest problem most times is how to get over failure.   So, let's not be afraid of failure, let's use it as a stepping-stone to our next success level. Ify #redefined #atalkwithify #mio #failureispartofsuccess #successmindset


Be it in a family,  work, business, church, social or club life, Trust is a very important factor of GROWTH.📈📈📈 Trust simply means you been able to rely on someone, ALL the time.😁. To be able to  have confidence, faith and belief in them. As we know that is not always the case. And our level of Trust from one person to the other is at a different level.🤔🤫😏 I know if I ask this questions many people will answer yes. 😄😃 Has someone that you trusted betrayed the trust you had in them? So, how do we know who we can trust.  1. Our past experiences with the person  2. What others say about them 3. Their consistency  4. Do what they do fall in line with what they say? The truth is that, trust is needed for us to succeed, because when we trust, we work better in agreement and we compliment ourselves.  We don't need to give up on trusting people but we need to know what to watch out for when trusting others.👍👍✔✔ Ify #atalkwithify #simpleifyy #mio #trustissues #collaboration #erfo

You start it.

 Everything, from business,  family, finances etc rest on the decisions we make from the very start.  A good start they say is half the race won.  🏁🏁🏁 So, consciously and intentionally chose rightly.  A good and well planned foundation takes you very far.  Ify. #mio #atalkwithify #redefined #erfolgsteam #freiburg #decisionmaking #startitright

Ready to succeed

 Success is a pricess of learning and more learning. This is because,  when we stop learning,  we become stagnant and stagnation leads to failure. To learn one must not go back to school or it must not have anything to do with academics. It has everything to do with the state of our mind.  We should try to have a growth mindset. Our brain has an enormon capacity to assimilate.  Ify #atalkwithify #mio #redefined #RightMindset #learninglessons #freiburg

Be responsible

There are millions of things that you and I will never be able to control because it is out of our sphere or boundary.  On the other hand, the little that lies in that space that we are in, let's be responsible for it.  Some of the things you and I can control with God's help are : 1. Our thoughts  2. Our feelings 3. Our beliefs and values  4. Our dreams and aspirations  5. Our attitudes and behaviors  6. Our giftings and talents  7. Our choices.   Let's start by choosing to respond to situations instead of reacting to it.  (Easier said than done, right ✅, I know but practice they say makes perfect). Ify #atalkwithify #mio #simpleifyy #redefined #rightmindset #redefined #erfolgsteam #beresponsible #motivationalquotes #mondaymotivation

Step up your game.

 This week one of my leaders asked a question. She said why do we think wr are not where we want to be? I thought hard,  then I realised that my the goal that I set for myself was not a very high one, so the efforts that I was putting in was also not high because in my mind, I thought somehow I will get there.  This causes laziness. When we set our targets or goals high, to the extent that we know that to reach it is almost impossible,  it is only then that we also start to do the impossible to reach out.  So, let's step up our games. Ify #atalkwithify #mio #redefined #simpleifyy #goalsetting #freiburg

A fight between 2 wolves

  A fight between 2 wolves.🦊🦊 In a Native American Parable,  a Grandfather told his grandson a story of the 2 wolves. Both are in our mind and both are constantly fighting. One wolf is evil and is fear, anger, regrets, self pity, unforgiveness,  bitterness and sadness. While the other is good and is Joy, love, hope, generosity, humility and gratitude. The grandson asked, which wolf wins? The grandfather answered,  the wolf that you feed wins.🥂🥂 The question now is, which wolf are you feeding? Make that conscious effort. 💪💪👍👍 Ify #atalkwithify #mio #simpleifyy #redefined #freiburg #erfolgsteam

Benefiting from my Past

  No matter what is said, your past affects your future. But you can determine if it affects it positively or negatively and also to what extend. Make your past a stepping stone or better still a building Block to a better future. Use it well.👍👍 Ify #mio #atalkwithify #simpleifyy #redefined #bold #myfutrematters

Time Useage

There was a time in my life that I thought that 24 hours was not enough.  Even now, I get into that feeling sometimes.  But the truth is that 24 hours is all we need.  We cannot finish everything we need to do in one day.  Even when we finish it, the next day, more things to do show up. We need to do the right thing at the right time. Have you noticed that when you are doing what you like , time seems to fly. But when you are doing what you don't like, it takes like forever.  Work while it is day.⛅🌤🌞🌞🌄 Make the best of what you have . Ify #mio #atalkwithify #simpleifyy  #timematters #freiburg #erfolgsteam


 Time 🕰️⏱️⏱️⌚⏲️ Some measure time in hours and minutes ⏱️🕑, while some others in Dollar and cent. 💸💸💰 Some plan their time 📝📝and others just go with the flow.😎🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤩🥳 Some see their time only from past and present,  their future does not exist. 🏁🏁 Some are living on borrowed time, others are wasting their time.🗑️🗑️⏳⏳ Never forget,  your time is yours, use it well.  Place the right value for it, exchange it with the right things and see it work well for you. All the best with your time. Ify. #mio #atalkwithify #simpleifyy #actnow #redefined 

Another perspective

I don't know what situation you find yourself in🤔😫😯,  and you have tried all you can to make things change to no avail. 😔😌 It's time to take a different line of action🎬🎬. Go in you and see if you need to change your perspective,  your thinking or your response to the situation.  Live above that situation💪💪,   live above the challenges💪💪💪, you will look back and see the situation still back there but you have moved.😃😃😃😃 Ify #atalkwithify #mio #redefined #rightmindset #simpleifyy #freiburg

Learning when losing

We might not win all the fights🤼‍♂️🤼‍♂️🤼‍♂️🤼‍♂️  in our lives, but we need to learn ✍✍from them. So that when they show up in our lives again or in the lives of others,  we can better overcome them. 💪💪💪 What is the one thing that you learnt in your last mistake that is helping you today.🤔🤔 Share, so we can also learn.😁😁 #Mio #atalkwithify #redefined #simpleifyy #learninglessons

Big dreams

 Sometimes your dreams and goal only looks so big and far fetched. 💭💭💭💭 And sometimes they are really big and far fetched............... But still, when you start to put things on paper 📝📝 and start investigating and investing👨‍💻👩‍💻👨‍💻👩‍💻, you will be surprised how closer you get to that goal.🥅🥅🥅🥅🥅 #mio #atalkwithify #redefined #startnow #simpleifyy #ican #erfolgsteam

Making mistakes

When I make a mistake 😫😫😲😮😲😲,    I say it's part of my story 🏬⏹ When the journey ✈🛬 seems to be taking long or longer than expected,  I say it is part of my story. ⏹🏬 Because, my mistakes don't define me, they help in forming me and when I use them well, I climb higher to the next level.💪💪💪✌🎖 Ify #atalkwithify #Mio #simpleifyy #redefined #succeaastory #freiburg

Take Action

 TAKE ACTION 🎬🎬🎬🎬 Knowing a little about a lot has always been one of my motto. 🥅🥅🥅 But it does not bring us anything if we don't use what we know.  Taking action is never easy but always necessary for movement. For you to take a step from point A to B, there is always moment of imbalance where only one feet is on the ground but your next step gives you balance. 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️ Start putting the things you know into action, do it, even if you have to do it afraid. 😉😁 Ify #mio #atalkwithify #redefined #simpleifyy #freiburg

Consistency and Persistency

No quitting, no giving up, keep moving. The experience is priceless and the reward is success. #mio #atalkwithify #consistency #persistency #simpleifyy #freiburg #johnmaxwell

Leaving your Mark

  Leaving your Mark.💥💥⌛⌛🪄🪄📆📆 It takes alot to make a mark in life. Some may disagree and say it is enough been who you are. So, who are you ? 🙄👀😇🥰🥰😜 I agree with both. It takes alot to make your mark, especially a positive one. It takes time⏰, talent👻🔮, skills, intelligence,  connection or money 💰💶🤑.  Wow, that's alot. 😅 But it's also enough being you, if and when you are talented skilled, rich,  influencial etc. The moment you lose these factors,  your mark starts to fade.🥱🥱🥱🥱 So, it's true that you are enough,  but you must continue being you. Don't stop, keep going, it might be slow, it does not matter. Just keep on going. Even when you feel you don't have anything ( which absolutely not true) you can keep going until you pick your skills along the way and leave your mark. #atalkwithify #mio #makingof   #redefined

For good reasons

 For which reason are we in people's life around us. I wish and work to be a gift. To bring Joy, encouragement,  support, love and Christ to them.  But those that come into our lives as a lesson, they are there not to break us but to make us.  Ify #redefined #mio #atalkwithify ##lessonsoflife #freiburg

Just good Intentions

 How do you know that I have good intentions for you if you can't see it.  Most times people know we have good intentions for them only because we tell them. And as we all know that our words can be so weightless.   So, the next time we have a good intention for someone,  let's go ahead and do it or explain our hindrances why we cannot accomplish those good intentions.  #mio #atalkwithify #intentukns #showit #freiburg

Looking Back

 One can better tell their story after it happend. Not before or during.  Most times,  one is blind to alot of other factors involved and see a tree instead of the full forest.  When we cannot understand or fully comprehend the now, let's chose to trust and take a step at a time.  #mio #atalkwithify #lifehappens #trusting #steppingout

Prayer Series 1

 When we pray,  we (limited  man) communicate with God (the unlimited). We must  understand that he is all knowing. We must understand that His ways, Thoughts and plans are different from ours.  When we pray, we just want God to say yes to all our request.   Even as parents, as much as we love our kids, we don't say yes to all their request.  Infact, we cannot say yes to all their request.  One reason been that we know more than them.  So, in our walk with God, let's let God be God.  I know how many times I have prayed for a particular thing and it seems as if God is not answering and I pray for another and I get an immediate answer in such a way that it shows that it could only have been God.  Sometimes,  I find myself thanking God for not answering a particular prayer because it eventually made way for something better.  All I say is , Lord help my unbelieve, Lord let your will be done despite and inspite of what I am asking.  God is able. #mio #Godsword #atalkwithify #prayer

It's Okay

 But with Christ, we can do all things.   #mio #atalkwithify #Jesuscan #mio #atalkwithify #Jesuscan