
Es werden Posts vom Januar, 2020 angezeigt.

Teenage years Series 5

When parents see how their teens are turning out, it is like they are having a flashback,. As parents , would we  be proud seeing them turn out like us or we want them to take a different,  better path.

Teenage years Series 4

Do you agree with me that in the teenage years that friends influence our teenagers more? So, parents, if you want to be an influencer in the life of your teens , start when they are babies.

Teenage years Series 3

The way we parents act sometimes , especially to our teenagers,  one would think that we were never teenagers ourselves.  But I believe the real truth behind it is that, we are afraid that they might make the same mistakes we made and we want to protect them. 

Teenage years Series 2

As parents,  aunts and uncles of teenagers,  we need to know  exactly what they need from us

Teenage years Series 1

For some people, their teenage years was the height for them. Some that are still young are hoping that it will be exciting and adventurous. How was it for you?


Distraction can be something positive or something negative. What do I mean by that? Distraction can be a thing that prevents someone from concentrating on a given goal or it can be an extreme agitation of the mind. It can also be a process of diverting the attention of an individual or group from a desired area But, positively, distraction can be an entertainment that provokes pleased interest and distracts you from worries and vexations. For example, when we have to wait on a queue, or at the airport for a longtime or even when we are sad, one can use games on the handy as distraction and one will not know when the time flies. So, let’s talk about the things that negatively distracts us. We have external and internal factors that can distract us.   Some distractions come from outside and some from inside. The external factors include Handy, visual triggers, social interactions, music, text messages, and phone calls. And the internal factors are hunger, fatigue, sleep,

Saying I am sorry

When we say we are sorry but continue to do the wrong, we are intentionally acting wicked.

Keep your values

Be strong and stay strong There will be times that you get hurt from people, you get disappointed and because of this, you make up your mind to change. Either you close up completely or you start to act up in ways that don't show your values. There are other ways to react while staying true to yourself and your values. Chose well

Be active

Don't just say,  it's time to do

Don't Procrastinate

No not tomorrow,  do it today,  if possible , do it now

Say no to distractions


Starting Something New

Have you ever thought of starting something new? I would answer for you and say, yes of course. It might have been something big as a new building, a new relationship, a new career, a new business or as small as wanting to do a new dish or starting a new hobby. From my experience, starting something new can seem very far reaching or too big but at the same time very exciting. The problem, if I might call it that, is that, when we want to start something new, we must start a lot of other things afresh. We first look at the things that can prevent you from starting that new thing 1.        We are ALL afraid of failure 2.        We are not very flexible 3.        We ALL find change difficult 4.        We lack the needed knowledge 5.        We want to be perfect first before we start My personal challenge about starting something new is, feeling not good enough, even after getting all the needed information and all. But like I said, it is a “Feeling”.    

Speak with caution

Speak with caution

Listening heart

An open heart is the future   tap into it.

Me feeling



Let's learn to take "good" criticism and use it as one of our building blocks 

Yes you can

Yes you can, change is difficult and many times we wait for it to happen.  Today, do it differently.  You, yes you , you can.  Make that change, maybe not all the change but you can start by making the change that you can. #mio #atalkwithify #quotes #yesyoucan

Take the initiative, Be the Solution

New Year Resolution It is a new year and many of us start with new year resolutions. No more smoking no more drinking to lose weight to eat healthier to have more time with the family to study more Shop less It is a new year and many of us start with new year`s resolutions.  Why do we even make new year´s resolutions? I believe that, it is because we want something new, something better, something different. We might be tired of the way we have been living or the way things have been going in our homes, work, finances or even our health. We make new year´s resolutions because we see it as a chance to start anew. If many of us will be truthful, when we make these Resolutions, most times it doesn’t last past the first January week or the first Month. Only about 8% of people stick to their new year´s resolutions (University of Scranton) The question is, have you been part of the 8% or you belong to the 82%. Do you know the Top 5 most comm

Go through Life strong


Welcome to 2020

Welcome to 2020 Happy new year, welcome to my new Blog, A Talk with Ify, It is a motivational Blog, where you  get  Inspirations to inspire, captivate and motivate you to step out beyond your limits and achieve your dreams.  Life is a journey and each one of us have a desired or supposed destination. And there are many routes to getting us to that destination. I would like to go on this with you.  It is not about the route been long or short, it is about how we go through it, because I believe that each one will get there at their own time. Come along, lets go through it with  peace, simplicity, boldness and grace. Welcome to 2020

Adding value to life
