Starting Something New

Have you ever thought of starting something new? I would answer for you and say, yes of course. It might have been something big as a new building, a new relationship, a new career, a new business or as small as wanting to do a new dish or starting a new hobby.

From my experience, starting something new can seem very far reaching or too big but at the same time very exciting. The problem, if I might call it that, is that, when we want to start something new, we must start a lot of other things afresh.

We first look at the things that can prevent you from starting that new thing

1.       We are ALL afraid of failure

2.       We are not very flexible

3.       We ALL find change difficult

4.       We lack the needed knowledge

5.       We want to be perfect first before we start

My personal challenge about starting something new is, feeling not good enough, even after getting all the needed information and all. But like I said, it is a “Feeling”.

                “It works, if you work it “-Les Brown-

Put those feelings, be it being inadequate, fear, procrastination, shame or criticism, in front of you. I tell you; they don’t stand a chance. Face it, face it,

I must say, I am no expert in this, I am only sharing based on my own experience and research.

So, before you start something new, make sure that you have finished any old thing that needs to be finished, or else, your new thing will also hang somewhere. 

                “Dream Big, But, be realistic” -mio-

What ever the new thing is, you are allowed to dream big, as big as you can. Then comes the but, be realistic in your dealings, step by step, you get closer to your dreams.

The New thing must be very clear in your mind, at least I hope so. For me at this stage, I need conviction deep down, if not there is no reason starting at all. The question then is, are you very convinced.

What helps your convictions is you answering your why.

Why do I want to start this new thing, be it career, new school, new hobby, new business, travel, change of residence? 

                “Let your whys be answered and your hows will follow” -mio-

As next, you must start to gather the needed and right information. This can be done in the form of reading, learning, having a mentor or a specific contact person.

Ask for help when needed. Ask family members, friends, neighbors when possible, if not ask a professional in that field. It makes it a lot easier for you, you get the right direction when you do that.

Be open for critic but be strong to attack. Brene Brown puts it this way, “have a strong back, a soft front and a wild heart”

Whatever the new thing is, make it your own new thing. You can and should use tips from everywhere but let “you” be in your new thing.

Start, start, start.  Don’t procrastinate, just start.

        "Prokrastination only delays Gratification" -mio-

Lastly, don’t be distracted, Remain focused. When driving a car, you don’t put your eyes on the pedals, instead, your eyes should be on the road, on your goal. 

                “Be focused, don’t lose your target”-mio-

It is not easy to start anything new, but you can achieve it. 
Start now.



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