New Year Resolution

It is a new year and many of us start with new year resolutions.
  • No more smoking
  • no more drinking
  • to lose weight
  • to eat healthier
  • to have more time with the family
  • to study more
  • Shop less

It is a new year and many of us start with new year`s resolutions. 

Why do we even make new year´s resolutions? I believe that, it is because we want something new, something better, something different. We might be tired of the way we have been living or the way things have been going in our homes, work, finances or even our health.

We make new year´s resolutions because we see it as a chance to start anew.

If many of us will be truthful, when we make these Resolutions, most times it doesn’t last past the first January week or the first Month.

Only about 8% of people stick to their new year´s resolutions (University of Scranton)

The question is, have you been part of the 8% or you belong to the 82%.

Do you know the Top 5 most common new year´s resolutions?

1.       Lose weight
2.       Start Sport
3.       Stop smoking
4.       Stop drinking
5.       Better money management

So, let’s try something else, I share a different idea with us, instead of new year’s resolution, we should have weekly resolutions, or even daily resolutions.

We are humans, and many times our bodies don’t always function like our thought or mind wants it to function, so we fail, and most times give up.

Let’s start everyday new, let us see everyday as the chance we have been looking for or waiting for, let’s not give up and wait another one year till another new year to start afresh.

Therefore, after listing out our new resolutions, what next. I believe that, the tactics we use to achieve these resolutions are as important as the resolutions themselves. Which tactics are you planning to use to achieve your New resolutions?

I share 2 of my new Resolutions and I take you, for me these things are not easy.

  1.    To sleep longer (a bit longer)
  2.     To listen more

       Hmmmm I leave the rest for you to guess

What are my new resolution tactics? Discipline and not giving up

So, I ask you, yes you, which one-word, practical word can help you fulfill your dreams, goals or resolutions.




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