
Distraction can be something positive or something negative. What do I mean by that?

Distraction can be a thing that prevents someone from concentrating on a given goal or it can be an extreme agitation of the mind. It can also be a process of diverting the attention of an individual or group from a desired area

But, positively, distraction can be an entertainment that provokes pleased interest and distracts you from worries and vexations. For example, when we have to wait on a queue, or at the airport for a longtime or even when we are sad, one can use games on the handy as distraction and one will not know when the time flies.

So, let’s talk about the things that negatively distracts us.

We have external and internal factors that can distract us.  Some distractions come from outside and some from inside.

The external factors include Handy, visual triggers, social interactions, music, text messages, and phone calls. And the internal factors are hunger, fatigue, sleep, illness, worrying, and daydreaming.

How long can we concentrate?

This is different from one person to the other and it is also depending on what you are doing. When you are involved in what you like, you tend to concentrate more. It also depends on the time of the day. Some people concentrate better in the mornings and others at night, while for some others, it makes no difference.

Know your body

You need to study and understand your Body, when am I more productive, morning, afternoon, night or when under stress.

We get distracted from work, school or from fulfilling our dreams. And when we give in to distractions, things are delayed, and results postponed.

How to overcome distraction and stay focused

Depending on the factor involved:

Use a laptop instead of a Handy

Put your phone on flight mode when you need to concentrate

Sleep, either a short power nap or just putting your legs up

Close your ear to negative criticism and forge ahead

Don’t let too much praise enter your head

Start the difficult things first

Prioritize your time

Learn to set limits and boundaries

Take deep breaths now and again

Skip what you don’t know

Use shorter time frames, instead of learning for 2 hours without gaining much, one can learn for 30 minutes and maximize the time well.

Distraction hides your work and steals your reward/result

Distractions when not controlled or overcome can make you lose or change direction.


Tipps on helping a distracted child
Different things cause distraction for different children and this is normal.
Key Tips on handling distracted children
Don’t ever yell at a child to solve distraction
Take away all the distractions
Talk to the child at its own level
Ensure that the language skill is properly communicated
Find out if there are any deep-rooted emotional problems
Allow the child to take frequent breaks
For professional and educational guidance for your child contact: Mrs Stella Awon, Educator, Tel: +2348109055611


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